+8 votes
in Random Posts by (773k points)

*art is obviously not mine*

This is littearly so cute

I love her Sweater and her gnome plushie (it's so cute wut)

Also, I noticed the posters on her wall... she randomly has a poster of a Sámi dude. Maybe this girl supports the Sámi which is a massive W. (Oh yeah and the Bunad poster)


is that Jo Nesbø. Never understoof the hype about him but ok

Also Gurl has a Tesla

This is my dream study room. just filled with Norwegian stuff. I usually do my research on a separate computer or on my tablet, but my table is really messy and looks terrible. Mostly because of my drawings from my psychic phase that are permanently glued onto there

7 Answers

+2 votes
by (523k points)
Best answer

I love me some Norway amine :D

Yes, I said "amine" meowla

I know this technically isn't amine, but it has the same style x3


by (773k points)


I saw a Viking anime but it is inaccurate


But everytime I read the SHR replies in my head all the scenarios are anime for some reason-

+1 vote
by (166k points)
+1 vote
by (773k points)
No Upvotes?
+1 vote
by (116k points)
This post is under a no upvote curse
by (773k points)
Fix it
by (523k points)
I would if I could x3
by (773k points)
Guys Give Nobi the Upvote prize

she will go crazy with it tho
by (773k points)
now you can
by (523k points)
It already has four x3
by (773k points)
wanna rp?
by (116k points)
Bout what
+1 vote
by (207k points)

0 votes
by (773k points)
+1 vote
by (116k points)
Yeah, I saw that tesla key.

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