+8 votes
in Personal by (770k points)

*sips water*

hej Vikings

So, My dad has a new years resolution for me, and that New years resolution is to make more friends at school. He expects me to follow it.

For those who don't know, I only have 2 friends. Nihara (who has been friends with me since 2021) and Jordan (Whos has been friends since last year) they're kind, they have the same interests as me and they share a sense of humor. Also, Even thought they're Neurotypical, they support my accomidations (Since im Autistic)

Now, About the friendship thing.... There's a problem.  A lot of the girls at my school are "Hot Cheeto Baddies" Girls. Out of 124 girls in my grade, about only 11 or 12 weren't hot cheeto baddie  girls. I tried infodumping once to them, but they didn't care. Oh yeah, Remember Funsies Day, One of those Girls tricked me into doing her work. 

Now, In case you are like "Talk to them about your other interests." They will still not care. They will only talk about TikTok and Their Boyfriends. Plus these girls swear a lot and as you know,  I hate Swearing

in conclusion. I cannot make friends. I am stuck at a school filled with girls who don't act their age and are not original. I wish originallity was normalized at my school. I mean my school is pretty bad so... Ofc.

And for those who are wondeing about the people my age who like Scandinavian stuff.... There are none.  I visited a lot of Nordic places in my state, and every person who wanted to infodump with me was in their 20s or 30s. I am almost 14. 

I think I made my dad mad. He wants me to be social. but IDK how to be social.

ago by
Tell ur dad that u can’t possibly make a single friend in the conditions you have listed!
ago by (770k points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (166k points)
Best answer
First of all, so that you know, I smashed that upvote button.

Anywayswho. I also have 2 friends. I'm fine with it. But my mom wants me to make more, because "what will happen if (NOT SAYING NAME) and (NOT SAYING NAME 2#) leave then you'll be alone". I do talk to other people, just about random things.

UFF DA THIS WASNT SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT ME SO ANYWAYS SO- you just need to try to talk about random things. Like wow it's so rainy today or yay Christmas is soon. Anything. And when they swear, just nicely try to tell them not to. Like probably say "please don't swear" or something.

And try to educate them on Nordic stuff without seeming like you're educating them on Nordic stuff. Like, maybe say, "LOOK AHH NORWAY-SWEDEN UNION" when your talking and they'll probably say something like "WHATS NORWAY SWEDEN UNION" And then you can say something like "THE WORST HTING IN THE WORLD" (cause it is right)

SO- thank you for reading my long paragraph of advice XD
by (770k points)
This is 100/10 advice. My mom is fine with my friends.

Also, they wouldn't listen to random things unless I throw their 2 only interests into them.

And how can I sneak The Norway-Sweden Union unto a conversation without them ignoring me.
0 votes
by (770k points)
+1 vote
by (116k points)
I feel bad for you, that must be an awful schiol
by (770k points)
It is.

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