+2 votes
in Viking Diaries by (773k points)

*breaks into your door*

hej Vikings. Merry Christmas norway_sweden_union

*realizes the Vikings were not Christian*


Sorry for the goofy intro and long waiting time. Anyways. Christmas Eve was perfect bad. And im talking Norway-Sweden levels of bad. I had 2 panic attacks (one due to sensory overload and 2nd due to Gerascophobia) and I was forced to appear in a TikTok. 

Today was better. I just camr back from dad's house. I went skating, it felt weird and I got a blister in my foot so. Rip.


anyways. Time for the gifts.

And these 2 are gems

Norway Hooide >:3

and this



also, I got 75$. I bought some Moomin books, a flag and a shirt from Stockholm

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (523k points)
Best answer
Minnie is Scandinavian confirmed?1!!!?!??!?!1111

All joke aside, I'm happy that Christmas day was a better day for you! I want that hoodie x3


by (773k points)

Scandinavian Minnie !!!1!!!1!

Time to Nordicfy her

Anyways... did ya smash that button

also what in the 9 worlds you have 250k points

you reached dangerous territory my child

by (523k points)
Smahsht :]

I honestly dunno what happened

I asked for my things to be moved, I blinked, and now I have 274k points x3
by (773k points)

How to become a Kidztalk god




by (523k points)


Now this is new x3

I can be multiple religions. I am Sainist and Chaplinist a-=D

by (773k points)

what excactly is SAINism. Do you worship SAINs or the people in SAINs.

Or Vilhelm Moberg

by (523k points)
Anything you want that is related to that x3
by (773k points)
what will you do now, fellow SAINist
by (523k points)
I will roleplay in my worshiping area, the SHR.
by (773k points)
so. SHR is the SAINism worship place?

(I need to plan out what sainism really is. It's fictional cuz im still Christian)

(also, it's SHR carly's birthday on SHR)
by (773k points)

SHR is a place of worship comfirmed
0 votes
by (773k points)
boost again
+1 vote
by (116k points)


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