+6 votes
in Viking Diaries by (776k points)

Title is Swedish for today is good day.

hej there lovely Vikings and Shieldmaidens

the title is facts. My dad gave me 150$ to spend on room decor for my new house (Once my mom buys my new house I'm showing a tour) do yeah.

i just spent 30 minutes studying Norwegian and Northern Sámi. I am doing a request on a diferent app. I also woke up at 9am which is extremely rare.

Oh yeah and Mari Boine made a new song. It's in English but it is a good song. It's called Easy to Love.

also look at this beautiful map I found in my Sweden coloring book.

I love how the only places in Sweden are   D a l a r n a   and   S á p m i  sami-flag

Bye Vikings

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (954k points)
Best answer

Bro forgot about the islands… skull

by (776k points)

Bro forgor about the Kalmar Union skull

This is weird because in Historical context Sweden never liked the Kalmar Union. They wanted to be free (which they were: June 26, 1523) and form a larger empire. The era in Swedish History (and Scandinavian history in general) where the Kalmar Union died and the Danish and Swedish empires were founded. is known as the Liberty Age (16th century to early 19th century before the start of The Norway-Sweden Union, Russian Annexation of Finland and Fall of the Danish empire)

Norway and Iceland are technically not part of the Liberty age. As both were ruled by Denmark.

also.... why is Kalmar in Småland. Those are 2 diferent Swedish states.and why is it noticed as a city aswell?

by (954k points)
June 26 is my dad’s birthday!
by (776k points)
Your dad was born on the fall of the Kalmar Union and Swedish Independence day
by (954k points)
Yep. My dad is 500 years old.
by (776k points)
I want to see him witness the Kalmar Union fall
+1 vote
by (166k points)
I always wake up at 9am-

Anyways coolio
0 votes
by (776k points)
+1 vote
by (117k points)
I woke up from my endless sleep when I heard about the new Mari Boine song


by (776k points)
0 votes
by (776k points)


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