+12 votes
in The Pumpkin Patch by (1.12m points)

For all of December, YOU guys have voted for who you thought impacted 2023 the most on KidzTalk… and now the votes are in.

This year’s User of the Year awards had the most votes ever. And believe me, it’s pretty crazy.

Let’s get to it.

#3: GravityCentered and ThatOneShreddedGuy (tied, 3 votes each)

 GravityCentered’s profile picture

ThatOneShreddedGuys’s profile picture

3rd place is tied, with user GravityCentered (joined in early September 2023, made an account on September 13, 2023) and ThatOneShreddedGuy (joined on August 31, 2023) sharing it. GravityCentered originally joined KidzNet around June 2023 and joined KidzTalk a few months later, during the KidzTalk Doomsday event in early September. When that event was over, GravityCentered decided to leave, but ended up staying and made an account.

ThatOneShreddedGuy joined KidzTalk right before GravityCentered joined. ThatOneShreddedGuy is very well known for having muscles, and protein powder.

Let’s get to #2…

#2: EloquentRacer92 (4 votes)

EloquentRacer92’s profile picture

In 2nd place is EloquentRacer92 (joined in mid December 2020, made an account on April 12, 2021), a person who is KidzTalk User of the Year 2022 and got 4 votes this year!

Oh wait, that’s me. And since it’s me, I have a natural bias about me, so I can’t really provide a description. (And yes, I did win KidzTalk User of the Year 2022 if I tallied the votes correctly)

Well, here we are guys. I’m about to announce who the KidzTalk User of the Year 2023 is.

Are you ready? Hey, are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat? (this is from Another One Bites The Dust by Queen)

Let’s do this…

#1: Nordic_Genealogist and nobodyimportant (tied, 9 votes each)

Nordic_Genealogist’s profile picture

nobodyimportant’s profile picture (my device said that this was a sensitive picture and therefore inappropriate for some reason…)

The KidzTalk User of the Year 2023 winners are… Nordic_Genealogist AND nobodyimportant! Congrats, you two!

Yes, there’s 2 winners this year. Both Nordic_Genealogist (joined in late February 2023, made an account on August 17, 2023) and nobodyimportant (joined in September 2022, rejoined in May 2023, made an account on December 24, 2023) are KidzTalk User of the Year 2023.

I’m gonna make this brief. Nordic_Genealogist is best known for her love of Scandinavia, and is also known for her love of Pokemon. nobodyimportant is… r a n d o m

Welp, that’s it for this year. It’s officially 2024 for all of us, and this year, we’re gonna get more new users, more surprising moments, and maybe a big plot twist or two.

See y’all later!

10 Answers

0 votes
by (103k points)


yes I know I'm late to the party

by (1.12m points)
Nah it’s fine. Only 7 months until we start nominations for this year.
by (103k points)
Lol nice
+1 vote
by (139k points)
+1 vote
by (168k points)

I'm late, but...


+1 vote
by (584k points)

Thank you so much to all who voted for me! I couldn't be more honored to be one of the people who came in first. You guys are all awesomesauce and every one of you are winners in my book!






do you see

this is why you are classified as random

by (879k points)
*hugs you*

Youre the bestest Nobi <3
by (181k points)
by (584k points)
I love hugs, thank you x3

Thanks, Grim :]
by (879k points)
vær så godt!

(ur welcome)
+3 votes
by (143k points)

thumbs_upCool Also it's still true that I never touch grass and now private messaging is a thing, and I never get any messages or Emails and I want some messages. I don't care the contents of them. PLEASE.

+5 votes
by (165k points)

My profile picture:


Elo, Shred, and Carly’s pfp: normal

Nobi’s profile pic:



in all seriousness, thank you to everyone who voted for me.

by (1.12m points)
Yeah. You see stick figures wielding fire every day!
by (879k points)

My PFP is a movie poster skull

by (584k points)
Petition for Saxophone Playing Chihuahua to be the new Rickroll—
by (879k points)
Along with Robert
by (1.12m points)
Well, I ain’t helping you guys.
+2 votes
by (703k points)

cry_smileprivate message me elo not abt kt

+2 votes
by (117k points)
Thank you so much, Elo! And of course, thank you to everybody who voted me! Couldn't of done it without y'all! I am honored to be here now. Thank you again! (oh, and I like what you wrote about me lol)
+3 votes
by (360k points)

I WAS RIGHT!boogie

GOOD JOB CARLY, ELO, SHRED, GC AND NOBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!boogieomgomgyay


by (117k points)
Thank you! You will probably be on this list this year.
by (584k points)
Thank you :]
+2 votes
by (879k points)



Why was even voted. I need an explination from 9 people.

I am more known for being living in yout walls and SAINing, Not Pokemon

Oh yeah. Gumball on a Banana suit is very inappropiate

by (360k points)

i got you an $1000 gift card to KFC, so you can go have your winner, winner chicken dinner!

also, you're in my walls?!?!?!

by (879k points)
I live in your walls
by (1.12m points)
Wait, if you’re in my walls, then you know that I’m secretly plotting against Earth!

Oh no…
by (879k points)
I am gonna make SAINs mandatory reading for kindergarteners, Make all buildings jn Minnesota hang Swedish flags and Lutefisk part of Nutrition laws.
by (584k points)





Only a person who has watched the clip with my profile picture in it will know why I keep saying banana with way too many N's and A's x3

by (1.12m points)
Me who lives in Washington:
by (879k points)
somebody in Washington actually got pulled by the police for hanging a Norwegian flag

Ironic which Washington has the 3rd or 4th largest Scandinavian Population in the US
by (168k points)
I'm one of those 9 people, and it's cause Yes.

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