+7 votes
in Holidays and Events by (98.6k points)

Happy new year!!

365 new days, 365 new chances!! <3

Love yall!

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (116k points)
That's a good quote
+1 vote
by (783k points)

Its no longer year of the 23andme


by (958k points)
And yet I saw a 23andme ad.

Oh wait, that was yesterday.
by (783k points)

is SAINing revelant in 2024 fear

by (958k points)
No. Reverse SAINing is though.
by (783k points)
thx. I sained in 2018 and I want to reverse SAIN to Norway
by (958k points)
Technically, you didn’t SAIN in 2018, you just moved from Venezuela to Texas.
by (783k points)

I shall do reverse SAINing once I graduate from high school in 2029 (according to my math, I will graduate at 19 years old.)
by (528k points)
I thought people graduate high-school at 16/17 years old...

Or, if they're very smart and are ahead, much earlier x3
by (783k points)
No. Its because of the Venezuelan school system
by (528k points)
Oh. So you're going by your country's system instead of the US system...?
by (783k points)
Yeah. In Venezuela we have 3 stages of preschool and 3 more stages of kindergarten. We start 1st grade at 8 years old and middle school at 13 and High school at 16

Technically for my age, That I am almost 14 I will be in the 9th grade, but im in 7th grade.
by (528k points)
But why don't you use the US system since you're in the US x3
by (783k points)
+3 votes
by (958k points)
Thanks, but it’s December 32, 2023 for me right now.
by (783k points)
Bro lives in a diferent dimension
by (116k points)


+2 votes
by (299k points)

i should think like that more often. :)

hope you have a great year as well!!

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