+8 votes
in Viking Diaries by (770k points)
  • Jumps from da void*

Hej Vikings. It’s carly. And welcome to the 40th Viking Diaries entry, exclusively on Kidztalk

Song of the day :

(Lyricless Joik.. Well, all Joiks are lyricless )

So, Facebook memes.

Facebook memes are the peak of unfunny humor. Everyone agrees, even my mom who uses Facebook agrees they’re unfunny

Ok, so the day was Sunday. I just came back from my IKEA and I decided to paint a Sámi boy using my new IKEA watercolors. I was listening to music and wearing headphones and vibing to some Mari Boine.

Then my grandma broke into the door (she didn’t actually) and she showed me a bunch of those  Facebook memes about technology. One was about this girl who is looking at a newspaper and she was like asking her dad why she can’t swipe on a newspaper. another one is about this bird who was asking another bird about a video game called “Flight simulator.” and a bunch of other weird memes.

Now, This is apparently the stuff my older relatives laugh at. A lot of people of all ages hate thsese.

The main concern I have with these is HOW. STEREOTYPICAL. THEY. PORTAY. TEENS. These memes portray all teenagers as Technology-obsesed and that is their only personality trait. I mean, as a fellow teenager, I can agree Technology is epic. but there is more to just technology. because of these memes, my grandma assumes I only watch meaningless content on Youtube. All I watch are either Art Videos or videos about Nordic countries. at least I’m not like those 8 year olds who literally just stay watching Skibidi toilet. This reminds about the time last month when my aunts called my music meaningless because it is in Swedish-

anywayswho, stay safe from the facebook meme pandemic. if your parent or any relative over the age of 40 sends you one of these r  u  n. and hide in  your local IKEA with every single book by Vilhelm Moberg you own (IKEA is our sanctuary, we have shelter and meatballs)

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bye Vikings - Carly

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (214k points)
Best answer
My mom sometimes shows me memes from her Facebook...

by (770k points)
Thank God My mom isnt a facebook meme mom
by (68.5k points)

Last time Nayeon was seen T_T

by (770k points)
+1 vote
by (540k points)
The ones mom shows me are funny bc most are rabbit related
+1 vote
by (166k points)

*watches what my parents are doing on their phone*

*watching Facebook memes*

*runs away to the IKEA store with AWIT*

+3 votes
by (295k points)
i have Facebook and yes, there are weird memes.

my dad sends me them all the time and i bought smashed my phone :]

also, whats the big deal with IKEA?
by (770k points)
it's Svenska
+1 vote
by (948k points)
as someone who loves technology i can confirm that the facebook memes are inaccurate :)
+1 vote
by (116k points)
I love Mäxida Märack!
anyways, I hate those memes too. My Aunts have a lot of them in Finnish tho
by (770k points)
I don't like Mäxida's songs, but her Joiks are good and she is a good person


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