+14 votes
in Ask KidzSearch Staff by (45.3k points)

Honestly, you people need to learn that just because you believe in God doesn't mean everyone who doesn't should. It's 2017. Just get over it. There's a reason why not everyone is the same. You can't force beliefs on people. There's no crime for not believing. It's not. You may believe in god, you may have proof, but your beliefs are still OPINION. You may not believe in god but your beliefs are still OPINION as well. Religion is opinion. An Opinion is something that Can/Could or Can't/couldn't. Realize that! And because it's a touchy subject you can't just go around telling people off and telling them what to believe. No one is disrespecting you by sharing their opinion. They didn't ask for your input. Whoever asked this was just trying to share their HYPOTHESIS. Your beliefs are your HYPOTHESIS as well.


I too believe religion shouldn't be allowed on KS because it will truly tear anyone apart to be SHAMED for their religion. So, if you don't agree, don't answer or comment. Unless it says "OPEN FOR DEBATE".


I'm not in anyway agreeing or disagreeing. I like to keep my religion to myself, which is EXTREMELY PERSONAL AND SHOULD NEVER BE SHARED ONLINE. That's my opinion. Why? Because the world can be a cruel place of hate and things of that sort, so be careful who you share your beliefs with, even in real life.

Here's my question to KS:

Can you please add a sorta set of rules to the religion category to stop hateful post, and racism (before it starts) Some rules I had in mind were sorta like not allowing post that started with

"Reason why being _________ is wrong"


I hope I do not lose any friends on here for saying this (^)! I'm not in anyway calling someone out or anything. It just really upsets me to see (mostly) atheists treated poorly. Please. I don't mean to start a fight or offend anyone.


by (45.3k points)
TOTALLY. That is what I have been thinking all along!

5 Answers

+3 votes
by (165k points)
+4 votes
by (110k points)
as a Christian my morals are to respect those even though i may not agree. we can only pray that some might change their minds or evolve through their beliefs but we should not force it. that is our human twist on the subject that shouldn't have been acted on. on behalf of all Christians, or so-called Christians, i apologize for the riot caused.
+4 votes
by (348k points)
The "religion" topic has been an ongoing issue for KidzTalk. We absolutely will not tolerate anyone not respecting another religion, or saying their belief is better, putting down another religion, etc.

Religion plays a big part in the world and peoples lives, so just banning it as a topic and not allowing peaceful academic discussions does not seem right to us. In addition, many religious schools use KidzSearch. Things like discussing how the universe was created, religious customs, or the history of different religions seems reasonable to us. However, saying things that are in any way hurtful to other religious groups, including those that choose not to believe in anything, is not allowed.

If you see a religious topic that you don't like, please flag it. We look at flagged topics and will remove them when needed. We will continue to be strict about what can be allowed in this touchy area.

+3 votes
I agree and I see it too often. Kidzsearch has already lost one account to religion that I have seen. People use religion as an excuse too. For example,

"please don't hurt me I'm a (religion)."

"What?! Thats racist. Do you not like (religion) or something?"

"I'm not bullying, I'm preaching."

and stuff like that. I don't think its wrong to be religious, but it is wrong to not like other people because of it. Look at Isis... they kill and get killed because they don't like Christians.
+4 votes
by (185k points)

Well, we did agree the religion stuff would stop and it has for a period of time...but that's a really good idea. I mean, on the "God does not exist" post. someone called the poster a moron! I disagree with the poster but he/she doesn't need to be insulted! That's just plain rude.frownno 

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