+6 votes
in Viking Diaries by (773k points)

[ Before I start. This is half rant, half normal Viking Diaries entry ]



Today at school we had this presentation. It was about planning for college since well… Next year I start 8th grade this fall and then I have high school (stawhp) and we have to plan out our dream jobs and colleges.

I already know what i want to do when I become an adult. I will be either a Nordic history teacher (I’m gonna work at some museum or nordic heritage center and teach people) or a historian with Nordic history.

The thing is.. colleges. I don’t care if the college is in a diferent state, I will be ok with that. I just want to stay in the US because I am not going to move to Norway (I will go there for vacation but I am not gonna live in Norway because well… That will be my 2nd time having to move countries)

I want to study Nordic history and drawing because I also want to do like Nordic history animations for like YouTube and stuff aswell. One thing I noticed is that I can’t find American colleges that focus on Nordic history as a whole. t

Usually it is grouped under European history in general, and usually they just talk about the Vikings or just skip Nordic history alltogheter. as some of you know, I’m both a Liberty age (16th to 18th century in Scandinavia) enthusiast and a Scandinavian-American history enthusiast.  This kinda triggers me because well. SCANDINAVIAN HISTORY DOSEN’T END AT THE VIKING AGE. If they do cover other parts of Scandinavian history, it is really brief. my 6th grade social studies textbook littearly had an in-depth explination of the Viking age, yet they had a part covering the rest and it was poorly done) I am forever traumatized by the textbook calling the Kalmar Union “Denmark’s wish union”

There are more sides to Nordic history. I have only been taught the Viking age (5th grade) and a really brief explination on Scandinavian-American history in decemeber (which I ended up correcting A LOT of the material we worked with cuz Nordic history kid things and I actually did research for fun. ). Like, not all schools need to cover Scandinavian history, Maybe the ones in areas that have a big Nordic population as an elective course, But it is the district’s choice and I’m fine with that. but the ones that promise to do so, regardless if it’s grouped or standbye or for middle schoolers, high schoolers or college students, PLZ. DO. YOUR. RESEARCH. The fact I’m almost 14 and I had to correct adults scares me.

So, Does anybody know any colleges in the United States (I don’t care what state they’re in)  that have courses on Nordic history as itself. So fellow Scandinavian (and Scandinavian-American) kidztalk users plz give me some hjelp. If there aren’t any, I don’t know what i’m gonna do. 

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Im kinda sorry for this entry of Viking Diaries. I got a little mad and Viking Diaries is supposed to be lik a fun blog so uhh.

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (261k points)
Best answer

Hi :) We haven't officially met yet! I just wanna say I admire your passion for Nordic (or is it Norse?) history! My mom was really into that stuff when I was younger. And you're Moomin pfp is SO cute! (At least, I think it's Moomin...)

Anyways I may have some solutions to your problem!

Ik you don't want to move, but college is temporary! You could go over to Europe for a few years, study, then come back home! Plus, you'll get to meet so many new people, cultures, and eat yummy food we don't have here as much! download You'll also get to see artifacts up close and personal, and it makes your studying, like, so REAL. Idk, I can't really explain that part very well! Anyways, you shouldn't totally cut out the idea. Perhaps one day you'll change your mind!

Now this is probably your best bet. Most professors usually get that general degree- there's no way you can really get a degree in ANY specific field. It is quite difficult and rare. What I've seen is most history teachers get the general degree, and intern/ shadow a teacher, but then study the material on your own. Check out books, search texts, research, research, RESEARCH. All that good stuff! But educate yourself VERY well, and eventually create lesson plans, and then apply at a school as a Nordic history teacher! Boom! That's how it's usually done :)

Hope this answered some of your questions, and lmk if you have any more! 

Best of luck!! 

by (773k points)

and yes I have a moomin pfp

I love Moomin and The Emigrants

thats all
by (773k points)
Also, I dont want to leave the country for education as I said. I am ok with 2 weeks or less when it comes to leaving out of the country.
+1 vote
by (116k points)
we actually have Nordic  history as an elective
by (773k points)
take me with you
by (116k points)
by (773k points)
0 votes
by (773k points)
+2 votes
by (523k points)
Unless you go to Wikipedia, most schools just briefly talk about Native Americans. That triggers me :[

There should be a whole section of nothing but Native American History in schools. We need to learn about the first people here. They are America, not the modern-day people.

Anyways, that was my little rant, sorry for intruding yours just to talk about mine x3
by (261k points)
Here in my state we do have whole sections and classes on Native history! I love it! They're culture is SO fascinating!!
by (116k points)
In my class back in 4th grade  we had an entire unit about them and had to do a project and take tests
by (773k points)
same, in the 5th grade we learnt a lot about Native Americans in Texas and it was funsies
by (523k points)

Thanks for making me feel better, guys :]

Your schools deserve major props a-=D

by (773k points)
my school is crusty
Well, I went to a diferent elemeantry school. The Middle school I go to is super  crusty
(my elemeantry school is a W)
by (166k points)
We did Native Americans earlier this year
by (773k points)

but the explination was very brief-
by (523k points)


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