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So ok im going to fight back if I get bullied. And yes yes I know I know I made a previous post about this and y'all said I shouldn't fight back. But! I've made some comebacks in my head on how to do it! If someone calls me trash im going to pretend they're invisible! If someone calls me pizza face i'll say: sticks and stones break my bones but words cannot hurt me. If you can think of any  comebacks for other situations please share them!


Queen  cat

1 Answer

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by (298k points)
hey, queen...

this is going a little far...

can't you just tell someone you're being bullied instead of instigating?

by (526k points)
I don't think this is instigating. She isn't throwing insults at them, so she is most likely fine.
But yes, it would also be good to tell someone about it.
@ nobi

I agree!

Yeah, I could but im known as a scaredy cat and a tattle tale so im actually trying to try to be more brave and stick up for myself. And one time at Rescue Ranch this boy named um lets call him J. J is my age and drew on one of the tables with a crayola crayon and I told on him and the assistant teacher called me a tattle tale. I was so embarrassed. Thats why im trying to just insult whoever is bullying me instead of telling on them.

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