+7 votes
in Nordic Stuff by (782k points)

Hej Vikings. Its me, Carly!

So guys.

I finally did something else for the 1st time in 300 years  (not really. I am almost 14) that I will never expect to do.

I listened to Swedish metal or whatever.

Now... I do like rock. But sadly, Scandinavian rock. I like Garmarna and Haloo Helsinki. It's kinda weird because well. Who listens to Garmarna in 2024 (157,000 people. That's how many people listen to Garmarna)

Now, Swedish metal actually slaps. I love how most songs are either just cooler versions of folk songs (They turned Skånesangen from a chill acapella song to absolute banger) or Nordic history events just songfied and coolfied

In case you are wondering, I found a lot of Viking songs, I also found a lot of songs based off the Nordic Liberty age (16th to 18th century) which is understandable because that was a cool era, I mean we got the great Northern war, The Swedish and Danish empires and a lot of cool things.

And I saw some other... interesting choices. I found a song about the Kalmar Union but I actually died when I found the next one.



I found a Swedish heavy metal song ABOUT Scandinavian-American history im

IM ACTUALLY DYING. They ran out of cool Scandinavian history events to base their songs on. (all Scandinavian history events are cool) Still, I respect this desicion. and yes, the song was a banger. I will not destroy you because you’re not into the viking age

I mean… I have an entire 4-hour playlist of Scandinavian-American Immigrant songs so nowadays I find anything Nordic as a b a n g e r (I used to have like normal music taste up into like 2023, Thats when I became nordic

Well, That's all. shoutout to the music teacher at my school who's Swedish-American and basically only listens to Swedish metal which is cool. He’s still a cool guy

Except I'm a 14-year old girl-


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  • Carly out

7 Answers

+2 votes
by (119k points)
Best answer
I love Swedish metal

do you know Ultima Thule?
by (782k points)

I like their rendition of Ida's Sommarvisa

I like both the original and the metal version

I like the metal version more-
+1 vote
by (71.3k points)
swedish metal but better:

british indie rock


but honestly

i wont stop just randomly bringing up lovejoy

sorry /srs

please help.
by (782k points)
*rock eyebrow*
by (957k points)
indie rock is the only subgenre of rock that i dont like (out of the ones ive listened to)
by (782k points)
by (957k points)
I think it’s because of the guitar, it’s pretty soft.

Maybe the vocals too.
+1 vote
by (218k points)

    <!-- notionvc: 28a83e7b-3b95-4117-93ea-d2e3f5684a20 -->

    uff da what is that??

    by (782k points)
    +1 vote
    by (166k points)
    So you basically like any music that is Scandinavian-ized?
    by (782k points)
    y e s
    +1 vote
    by (957k points)

    <!-- notionvc: 28a83e7b-3b95-4117-93ea-d2e3f5684a20 -->

    Here it is again.

    by (782k points)
    uff da
    +1 vote
    by (524k points)

    This is amazing!

    I still want to learn more about Nordic history!

    Also, I really love all of your posts, even if I do not always comment, I really enjoy reading them!

    And your desk you showed me, sure its a little messy. But it has CHARECTER like you!!!!



    P.S. Everyone is saying hjelp now! Lol
    by (782k points)
    also, What specific part

    and no, You cant say Nordic music. Like what event.
    by (524k points)

    can i learrn about Þjórsárdalur valley

    by (782k points)
    by (524k points)
    by (71.3k points)


    help how do you say that

    in my brain I read it as pyor-sar-da-lure

    by (782k points)
    the Þ makes a th sound
    by (524k points)
    Idk sry
    +1 vote
    by (782k points)

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