+11 votes
in Ask Country Boy by
How old are you?! I'm not allowed to date Intel im 16
I'm 16 and I'm dating a girl that's real pretty

11 Answers

+1 vote
by (2.8k points)

This is 5 things that most girls want when a boy is gonna ask them out...

1) don't over do it Most girls just want you to tell them how you feel. There is no need to buy chocolates or flowers. We might think it is better if you don't really!

2) hang out with her From personal experience, getting closer and knowing each others' interests makes it easier to know HOW to ask her out. It also would make it (maybe, depends) easier for her to say yes because she knows the real you better!

3) notice her Look, a girl wants her boyfriend to notice and care about her WITHOUT being too pushy. So talk to her everyday and don't keep your face glued to your phone or something.

4) don't lie about anything If you try to impress a girl (which probably won't work anyways), don't lie about if you have something cool. If you say these thing, you may think that would make us like you more. In the end, that would just be us liking you for what you have, not who you are. Besides, we would find out in the end anyways and it would probably end up with a break up. And if you are ALREADY dating, make sure you don't lie about where you are going or what you are doing. It can make the girl suspect you are off cheating on her if you keep it up. 

5) BE YOURSELF You knew it was gonna happen. It has been mentioned in all of the other tips. If you be yourself, it will indicate if the girl wants to be with you in the first place. And don't take it badly, there are plenty of fish in the sea. If she isn't the one, that doesn't mean The One isn't out there. Just remember to be yourself in everything you do because yourself is enough.

That is the end of the list, but I could go on FOREVER!!! I have never dated, no one has asked me out, and I would LOVE if the guy that asks me did all of the things above. So guys, take notes. This is pro girl advice and you will need to put it to the test one day. I am still waiting for the day I get asked lol...

Bye! -Corn

by (958k points)
Can I please get some corn? Please?
ago by
Ya, just be yourself and laugh a ton
+2 votes
What popin let go
+2 votes
by (4.0k points)
If I knew how I would have a GF
+2 votes
Give her a note:

Hi (name)

When I first saw you, you took the stars out of the sky and put them in your eyes.

Would you please go out with me?



Then when she reads it wait till she gets back to you. If she does not get back to you then she probably does not want to go out with you. Sorry love is hard. I hope this helps!! Also I have a boyfriend named Jace, so I know what it is like!
+2 votes
Just ask her out, don’t be weird about it then your good to go good luck.
+2 votes
give her flowers and ask her out
But  it is so hard to not be humiliateed  in school yesterday that happened to me and

I was humiliateed
+11 votes
by (24.4k points)

I really have no idea but if it's me (because I'm a girl):

  1. You can honestly say that you like her
  2. Stay close to her
  3. Give her more attention
  4. Just be yourself
I guess that's it


I think you should just be yourself and tell her how you feel then ask her out I would want to be told that because I'm a girl
+2 votes
by (27.7k points)
If you just say it straight out .I'm a girl and I would love if a cute 14 year old told me how he felt and asked me out at the same time.
+2 votes
write them a love letter and then ask them out in person
NEVER write a love letter! Believe me, it does NOT turn out good! I was devistated when he made fun of my crush on him!
+3 votes
by (350k points)
Imma answer (although this is Country Boy's column.) Well, most girls like it if you tell them straight up you like them. Most girls don't like to be in suspense. So, ask them, "Do u want to go out with me?" Then they may say yes or no, but if they say no, don't pester them! They're are plenty other fish in the sea.

by (110k points)
YEESSSSSS I absolutely HATE it when I have to keep guessing and watching TALKO videos on how to tell if someone likes you
by (2.8k points)
OMG...This IS the answer guys!!! The 100% correct answer! Boys, take notes!


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