+12 votes
in Nordic Stuff by (879k points)

Hej Vikings, It's Carly.

This is gonna be kinda lika a long post, I just want to talk and stuff.

I am a fellow teen girl who's into Nordic history and culture. I have been into Nordic history since I was 12. I am now 14, and I realized something 4 months ago that shocked me.

So, There is this brand called American Girl. If you're not familiar, American Girl makes dolls, doll acessories and books inspired by both American history and expiriences girls nowaday have. I want to talk about one character specifically... Kirsten.

Kirsten is a character that was one of the first original characters. She represents the Scandinavian Immigrants to the United states in the 19th century, and as I am a fellow girl who's not only into the Nordic countries and their history, but also into the Scandinavian Emigration Era, it makes me really happy due to the accuracy of her collection.

However, Sadly they got rid of her in 2010, My Birthyear. I am gonna basically give some reasonings on why we should bring her back. I want to say that you can still buy a mini Kirsten doll (Not the actual doll.) and her books. I got her books as well as the mini doll for my 14th birthday, and I love her.

1st of all -  Nordic history recources and kids. Kirsten's books are geared towards girls ages 7 and 11. A lot of books based on Nordic history for kids those ages that can be sold in libraries as well as checked out at schools are inacurate. I was reading this book (aimed at kids 9 to 12) about a girl in the Kalmar Union who lives by herself. The book itself was well -written, however it was inaccurate. Norway DID NOT unite the Nordic countries, Denmark did.

Kirsten's books are actually accurate. They actually do teach kids about the lives of Scandinavian-Americans in the 19th century. Not only that, but they managed to not sugarcoat (Make everything seen much better than it was) the history AND make it age appropiate. This could also be a great way to teach Scandinavian-American kids, espiecally girls about  their heritage. Not only they have books, but also a doll and a lot of outfits and accesories to act out scenarios. A lot of the positive reviews for her books came from Scandinavian-American Mothers who were using the doll and her books to teach their daughters about their ancestors.

2nd - Why do all Scandinavian/Nordic themed dolls go offsale- Barbie  released dolls based off Norwegian and Swedish cultures back in the 90s, and then Mattel took them away 3 years later. Same thing with Kirsten. She has been around for 25 years until they removed her.  The only dolls inspired by Nordic culture that I still know excists are Frozen dolls. One of my wishes is to make a doll line that has dolls wearing traditional Nordic dresses from both the present and past. I don't play with dolls anymore, I but I really want to own a doll that is based off Nordic culture. 

3rd and last. Because like a lot of the American Girl dolls and their books (some had movies, Kirsten didn't get a movie because she wasn't around since they started making movies) lots of people learnt lessons about recillence and acceptance from her. The goal of American Girl is not only to educate girls on history but also to give them life lessons

So here's my "tiny" rant on Kirsten from the point of view of a Teen Girl who's into Nordic countries. Thanks for reading

I agree, They should bring her back (17 votes, 94%)
don't bring her back. (0 votes)
Neutral (1 vote, 6%)

8 Answers

+1 vote
by (272k points)
Best answer

My mom had Kirsten! :D I also have the first book still. 

Also, wasn't her story low-key traumatizing? I thought she got locked in a shed with her dead sister's body fear

by (879k points)
Y'all are so lucky like how???

also- that's dark. But I read darker. I read Swede Hollow by Ola larsson
by (333k points)
by (879k points)
by (272k points)


by (333k points)

Thats why they're so messed up- drool

by (879k points)
This is some hidden lore I have never thought of
by (272k points)
by (879k points)
Swedish Immigrant lore

(As a Nordic history nerd I agree with the secret chapter of Nordic history only 2.3% of Nordic history kids know)
by (272k points)
Average Swedish immigrant cannon event.
by (879k points)

Truly a canon event,
by (136k points)

as an Average Swedish immigrant in the 19th century

I can comfirm that is true and that happens each and every single day

by (879k points)
I can comfirm as well
by (136k points)
by (879k points)
I am a SAINer
by (136k points)
Proud SAINer
by (879k points)
by (879k points)

I read her story (I got her book)

She dosen't have a sister. She has an older brother and a younger brother.

Her story was kind of sad. Her best friend died from Cholera and I cried.


by (272k points)

Idk I only have the first one and have forgotten most of it. I've just heard about the rest of her story from other people online.

I had Molly and her books :p
by (879k points)


still depressing.

this was for 8 year old girls skull

by (136k points)
very depression indeed
by (879k points)
I am now traumatized by the book
by (333k points)

I’m so sorry disappointed

by (879k points)

i still love her even tho I got traumatized

by (333k points)

That’s good that you got traumatized IM KIDDING HYUDE DONT DESTROY THIS T_T

by (879k points)
8 year old Swedish-American girls forced to read Meet Kirsten after learning that Kirsten's best friend died from Cholera
by (333k points)

What else was traumatizing that you might be able to say without getting hyude’d
by (879k points)
her dad.

Her dad litearly told her to stop crying when her best friend died from one of the most deadly diseases in the world.

(Well... Now you have an 85% chance of surviving it with a doctor but without a doctor you have a 52% chance of surviving)

He also let Kirsten be lost by herself in the streets of New York.

Oh yeah and he said that Kirsten wasn't allowed to bring her doll she had on the ship because it takes up too much space and had to get it a month after her family settled in.
by (333k points)
Dang bro

He’s not a gigadad like your dad, Carly
by (103k points)
Her dad is so not skibidi
by (333k points)
So not rizz
by (879k points)
He is not a gigadad

I can relate to the last point, because we had to leave some of our belongings at our home in Venezuela (which we sold) but we took some.  I left all my toys so I had to buy new MERICAN toys
by (333k points)
That sucks :(
by (879k points)

It's an immigrant canon event

by (103k points)
Some people may like immigrants but but Carly IS the immigrant
by (879k points)
I am the final boss of Immigrants

(19th century Swedish immigrants)
+1 vote
by (247k points)
I own her books
by (879k points)
can i have them
by (247k points)


by (879k points)
plz all the books I own are trash.
by (247k points)
Sorry no
by (879k points)


+1 vote
by (879k points)
guys imma protest by SAINing in front of the American Girl store

(How do you actually SAIN there? Like can the Mobergists of Kidztalk hjelp me)
by (168k points)
Read a SAIN duh
by (165k points)
No offense but its just a doll
+1 vote
by (165k points)
I wish Sylvester Stallone still had the rights to Rocky.

But back to the subject

Im kinda neutral

I mean yeah it’s history and stuff but they probably had their reasons for removing her from the collection
by (879k points)
But why


let her stay
by (165k points)
As rare as it is, Kirsten in the end is STILL an American girl doll.

Like every company with multiple products, the products come and go.

I get you want one.

Hey, I want a Nerf Rapidstrike, and I wish Nerf still made it, but after all, its a nerf gun. Nerf guns come and go.
by (879k points)
I feel you
+2 votes
by (168k points)

A lot of the accurate books on Nordic history aimed at children, such as books by Arland O. Fiske, a really great Norwegian-American author are mostly only sold at Scandinavian heritage centers/shops) are innacurate.

My brain exploded reading that-

by (879k points)
by (168k points)
basically that says "A lot of the accurate books are inaccurate"
+1 vote
by (360k points)


my mom also said she had Kristen as a kid! in fact, shes still in the attic

by (879k points)
Tell her to give it to me or else I will sell my cousins' skincare to buy SAINs

*im not gonna*

Also.. Your sister is a SAINer???

Don't be shocked if she asks you for SAINs later on-
by (1.12m points)
Don’t worry, I will fly a rickroll drone and sell your cousins’ skincare for you.
by (136k points)
D o

i t
by (360k points)
oh, she probably will.

and, idek if we still have her...
+1 vote
by (136k points)
as a Finnish-American Girl born in 2011, I see this as an absolute loss
by (879k points)
as a Venezuelan Nordic Enthusiast who is in the Autisim Spectrum and was born in 2010, I see this as an absolute loss
by (1.12m points)
As a human being who exists, I see this as an absolute loss.
0 votes
by (879k points)

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