+8 votes
in Nordic Stuff by (782k points)

Here are some Swedish Proverbs and their Translations

Det Som Inte Dödar, Härdar

"what dosen't kill, hardens"

"Ibland kan man inte se skogen på grund av alla träd"

"sometimes you can't see a forest due to all of the trees"

"Efter Regn Kommer Solsken"

"After the rain comes sunshine"

"Den som köper det han inte behöver stjäl från sig själv."

"he who buys what he dosen't need steals from himself"

"de som vill sjunga hittar alltid en sång"

"Those who wish to sing will find their song"

"det blir som det blir"

"It would be as it would be"

"oro ger ofta små saker en stor skugga"

Worry often gives small things a bigger shadow.

What do you guys think of these proverbs? should I do a part 2?

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (299k points)
Best answer

"Det Som Inte Dödar, Härdar"

my new favorite thing to say.

yes'm, i need a part 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and, i like the font, lol

by (782k points)
+1 vote
by (155k points)
These are really cool!
by (782k points)
by (155k points)
+1 vote
by (119k points)
Can You Do Finnish Proverbs?
I have the 5th one written in my wall.
by (782k points)
+1 vote
by (166k points)
Y e s
+1 vote
by (528k points)
I can relate to the last one 1000%.
by (782k points)
0 votes
by (782k points)

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