+8 votes
in Writing Contests by (159k points)
Every 30 years on January 24th, a creature wakes up from its three-decade hibernation for feeding time. Legend says it will come again today, and it will start to cause havoc.


JANUARY 24TH, 1994, 10:00 PM


Scarlett Barnes lay in her bed, waiting for her dad to come to the bedroom.

Her mother was a nurse, who was currently working an overnight shift at the hospital.

Suddenly, she heard a big thud.

Even though she was 13, the fear of monsters was still inside of her.

Scarlett quickly ducked under the covers.

She could hear slow, yet powerful steps towards her bed.

Suddenly, they stopped.

A massive roar was let out, piercing Scarlett’s ears.

She screamed, throwing over the covers.

However, she did not need to be afraid.

It was simply her dad, trying to scare her.

Scarlett’s dad laughed hysterically at the fear of his daughter.

“DAD, YOU’RE NOT FUNNY!” She yelled.

“I’m pretty sure I am!” Dad said, still laughing.

Scarlett threw the covers back on herself, angry at her father.

“Kiddo, I’m just messing with you.” He said, sitting on the bed right next to his daughter.

“Come on, don’t pout!”

He lightly shoved his daughter.

Scarlett turned around.

“You don’t need to be afraid. I’ll always be here to protect you. You’re my daughter, and there is no other daughter that I would want more than you.” Dad said, smiling.

Scarlett smiled, propping herself up against her bedroom wall.

“Love you kiddo.” He said, kissing her forehead.

“Love you too.” She said back.

Dad went to turn off the lights as he walked out of the room.

“Keep them on!” Scarlett yelled.

“It’s fine.” Dad said back.

“Please?” She said with a desperate look on her face.

Dad sighed, and simply walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Scarlett made herself comfortable in bed, about to go to sleep.

Her eyes slowly closed, her consciousness slowly fading away.

About 30 minutes later, she heard a loud bang, but seemingly did not seem to care.


12:00 AM


Scarlett was touched by something, and she slowly got up.

“Dad, was that you?” She asks, looking around her room.

Dad was nowhere to be seen.

After a loud yawn, she got up.

Scarlett walked outside her door, and heard a loud sound.

She could hear very audible eating noises.




Scarlett thought it was probably her dad, but she still felt scared.

She cautiously walked towards mom and dad’s bedroom, and saw that the door was barely opened.

She peeked through the crack, looking in the room.

There, she saw a small swamp creature that was preying on her dad’s dead body.

Her eyes went wide.

A single tear drop went down her eye, but she knew she had to get to her room.

Scarlett slowly walked back to her room, trying very carefully not to make the floor creak.

She was within 6 feet of her bedroom door, when, a massive creak came from the board she stepped on.

The eating noise stopped, and Scarlett rushed inside her room, locking the door.

Scarlett rushed to the phone next to her bed, tears streaming down her face.

She frantically tried to turn the phone on, but saw it was dead. The charger plugged into the phone was unplugged.

Scarlett knew dad had kept a gun on top of the cabinet in the bedroom, so she rushed in the bedroom bordering her room, and then locked herself in.

Climbing on the toliet, she then stepped on the counter, reaching for the .38 caliber revolver on top of the cabinet.

After a few seconds, she grabbed ahold of it, retreating back onto the ground.

Suddenly, her bedroom door was kicked down, creating a loud thud.

Scarlett screamed, shooting at the bathroom door.

There was 3 rounds left.

Suddenly, it was quiet.

Putting her gun down for a moment, she sighed a breath of relief, tears still flowing out of her eyes.

The monster’s hand bursted through the door, trying to reach the lock.

Scarlett picked the gun back up, shooting the monster 2 times.

The monster retreated, going back to the living room.

Scarlett hid in the bathtub, watching all around her.

She had gotten zero sleep.

The feeling was overpowering her will to survive, and she dozed asleep.


12:05 AM


All of a sudden, she heard a door open behind her.

She had forgotten to lock the back door of the bathroom.

Scarlett shot at the monster, who was undeterred by the shots.

You could hear the screams throughout the neighborhood as Scarlett was devoured by the beast.

After 1 minute, silence.


The crickets chirped.

The owls watched upon the neighborhood from atop the trees.

Peace it seemed, but there was nothing at peace.


6:00 AM


A car pulled into the driveway of the Barnes residence.

Scarlett’s mother came into the house.

She turned on the lights, and went to the hallway.

The mother saw the kicked down door, along with the slightly opened door of her husband’s bedroom.

The mother went into her daughter’s bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Peace was once again interrupted by screams.

What caused this?




A report came up on TV.

“Breaking News: a family of three has been killed by an unknown cause, most likely a home intruder or a rabid creature. Authorities still do not know what happened, and are still investigating.”



Hehe i loved writing this

Hope i did good lol


5 Answers

0 votes
Dude, why am I reading this at 9:23 pm?!!!!??????!?!?
by (159k points)
He’s coming at 12:00
0 votes
by (295k points)


i swear to God, if i have nightmares about swamp monsters, im tracking you down..

it was AMAZING tho!! :D

by (159k points)

Go ahead, I live in the south.

Oh, really? Thanks!
0 votes
by (521k points)

It's unconventional that you killed the main character as well. I like it a-=D

You did very well.

by (159k points)
Yep. I was hoping it gave off the “No one is safe” vibe.

Thank you.
by (521k points)
You sure did that. If I was younger, I would probably be traumatized :D
0 votes
by (202k points)
Your story is way better than mine! GOOD JOB!!
by (159k points)
Don’t beat yourself up!

 Ty for the compliment tho-
0 votes
by (947k points)
That was AWESOME!
by (159k points)
Ty elo

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