+2 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by (2.8k points)

I have a little story on asking why I haven't had my period yet. Let me give u some background info...

I am a 13 year old girl in the 8th grade. I have been "in puberty" since I was 10 in the 5th grade. I have had breast buds and they r still growing (tho still not big lol), have private area hair (loads...), and plenty of discharge for over 2 years.

I have done some research. They say that puberty starts when u get breast buds and ur period will start 6 months to a year after you see discharge. They also say that ur period normally comes around the same age as ur mom. My mom was 13 when she had her's, so I guess I still have time for that. My birthday is a little over 4 months away.

I have had discharge for SOOOOO long. I wear liners in my underwear cuz it gets so bad. But I have waited for a long time and still no blood has popped up. I am so confused Abt that NGL.

Ok so pls just give me the best answer possible and try to stay away from "EvErY bOdY iS dIfFeReNt" kinda responses cuz I really want real ones.

Love u always!!


It can come at any time between 8 and 15 yrs

Because I had private area hair since I was 8 ,discharge since I was 7,and breast buds since 8 and got my period at 10

-I’m 11 by the way.
Wow! You were in puberty very early!

4 Answers

+4 votes
by (154k points)
Best answer

Literally, the only answer I can give you is everyone is different.

Discharge can take up to three years, even past that. I cant really tell you when you’ll get it. I can say, you sound like you need to watch for it, because it seems itll happen soon, with what is happening with you rn.

But again, everyone is different, and theres not really a correct way to calculate it.

by (2.8k points)
Thx for the feedback. Very helpful. ❤️
0 votes
by (88.0k points)
Sometimes this annoys me SO MUCH I really hate when people make these assumptions about when you will stop growing and when you will get your period and then put on the internet for girls like me an you to see. It took me 2 years after getting discharge to get my period. Some people are late bloomers I would say ask you mom and other women in your family when they got their (not in a weird way tho).
0 votes
by (28.2k points)
Most likely at 10-14
0 votes
by (112k points)

Hey girly, I honestly don't know abt the mom thing, bc one of my very very very toxic friends got hers in the middle of 3rd grade and her mom got it at 21

by (117k points)

That’s cause for concern
by (955k points)
Yeah. If you’re older than 15 and you haven’t gotten your period then that’s concerning.
by (2.8k points)
Wow. Not only did she get her's really early but her mom got her's SUPER late... That's interesting...
by (955k points)
Well, anywhere from 8 to 15 is normal. I got mine when I was 9.


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