+6 votes
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I have a few questions and some other tips and advice would be helpful too. Im really sure I'm trans but I realized pretty recently. I decided to buy a Pokemon game, when I started I was conflicted on which gender I should choose, I ended up picking boy and felt awesome. I looked into why I felt this way and yeah. that was March last year. I still get really dysphoric and sad but I don't know what to do. I also constantly get dreams about turning into a boy or someone finding out about me being trans. But my parents are transphobic, and I don't really have any other people to talk to since I'm homeschooled... I often overhear my parents talk bad about trans and that the parents teach them to be trans. Im too scared to ask for boys clothes and binders from my parents, though I am getting a haircut soon. How can I get those? I cant buy things online or shop by myself. Do I just have to wait?  Also for binding could I use really big bandaids, not like those ace bandages wrapped around my torso but maybe large bandaids used like trans tape?

 I might tell my older sister but thats scary too (though I'm sure shes supportive). I think if I do tell my parents or older sister I might just say I "want to be a boy really bad and its been bothering me" because I'm scared they'll (my parents) think the internet or school turned me trans. I don't know if they would: tell me its not real and that being trans is being mentally ill but then never mention it again, or do that but also yell at me call me names and take my electronics away. I just don't know what to do. I do go to a thing with other homeschooled kids on Tuesdays but my dysphoria always gets bad because for people calling my name or seeing the boys in the class and getting jealous of how they look. So idk what to do or even if I can do anything so help would be good. if anyone has advice on how to bind or get boys clothes and things like that that would be amazing. Sorry this was super long...

6 Answers

0 votes
ago by (150 points)
you can always find a counselor if your parents are ok with it... they are usually great at convincing ppl
0 votes
by (1.6k points)

thats nice i guess but maybe you dont know i mean your only 12 you might want to think about it more yk
0 votes
Ey, even if your parents don't support you, I support you, even though I'm a random person on the Internet
+1 vote
by (203k points)
What R U going to do when U get your period?
by (154k points)
He’d take care of it like most people would take care of a period I would think
by (113k points)

Thats the one thing you can't escape when choosing your gender :D

or can you??

by (88.0k points)
You actually can once ur adult u can get surgery
by (154k points)
I suppose you can

If you manage to get the right surgery…

And it’s not choose but ah okay-
by (113k points)
That's seriously messed up no offense
+2 votes
by (154k points)
You probably are going to have to wait if you don’t tell your parents. I‘m not sure about the bandaid part (you could definitely try though). If it doesn’t work you could also try and get a really tight sports bra.

I’m not sure about your relationship with your sister but she actually seems like she might be helpful and supportive. You only should come out to her if you are comfortable, though! Your parents however… I don’t think they’d be helpful at all (at least right now), they legitimately could make this worse.

I hope I was helpful (and I’m sorry I always end up writing paragraphs lol). This is a tough situation!
I think I will tell my sister, she is a lot older than me (25 I think) so I think she'll kinda understand what transgender is, And I think she might also be lgbtq based on stuff I heard her say. And maybe she can get me a binder too. But that's only if I can muster enough courage cause coming out to anyone really scary...
by (154k points)
I came out to my mom and it was really scary. I get it. I don’t recommend coming out until you feel comfortable enough though!!
+1 vote
by (112k points)
Hi! I am a bi girl, and I'm here to give u some tips! (I haven't gone thru this, but I know someone who has)

1. Tell your parents when you think it's time. (Even I still haven't told my parents that I'm bi and I realized in November)

2. DO, however, tell your sister. If you think she will tell your parents, threaten to tell them some dirt you have on her. It always works.

3. Maybe don't try bandaids. You should probably just wear normal bras until further notice.


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