+5 votes
in Minecraft Stories by (539k points)

Seven months later, it was Zuri’s graduation day.

Before Zuri went to school on her graduation day, Steve said “Zuri, you’re my special little diamond sword. When I first met you you were just a weak little clay sword. Now, you’re as mighty as a diamond one.”

Zuri said “Steve, stop it! You’re going to make me late.”

Steve then said “Remember Zuri-”

Alex laughed and said “Steve” playfully “She can not be your little sword forever. You have to let her go on her own.”

Zuri said “Will you come to see me graduate?”

Steve laughed and said “Totally”

Alex said “He keeps that kind of promise”

One and a half hours later, Steve and Alex went to Zuri’s school.

When Steve entered, he said “Aright Alex, I don’t want any attention directed at me”

Alex said “Understood”

When they got to the auditorium, someone looked at Steve and said “Oh my gosh! The greatest legend of all time is in this room!”

Then everyone turned their heads and looked at Steve and said “I can’t believe it!”

Steve and Alex walked quickly to the front row.

When the kids walked up to the stage, they all saw Steve and shook his hand.

Once everyone was up  someone came up on stage and said “I’m the principal at The Stonecutter PvP school. I would like to congratulate everyone in the class of 2078 for a great year. I also see the PvP legend himself in the audience. Steven Stonecutter, would you please come up here and tell everyone what PvP means to you?”

Steve came up and said “To me PvP means getting out and facing your fears“

Steve then sat back down and said “That was very stressful”

Then Zuri came up to the microphone and said “Hello, I am the best student here. I always got perfect scores on my tests because of my strong passion. In the future I hope to reach rank 100.”

Steve burrowed his face in his hands. 

Zuri saw that and said “Many of you in the audience who are legends think there’s only 50 ranks. The truth is there are actually 150 ranks. Nobody has ever made it beyond rank 50.”

Then Steve got a call from Noor.

Steve picked up the call and whispered “Now isn’t the time.” and hung up and put his phone on silent.

Then three more kids came up and talked about everything they learned.

Steve sighed when it was over.

When Zuri walked off the stage, Steve said “You did amazing!”

Alex said “Now, we’re going home.”

Steve said “Nope. I know a lot of these people will want a signature.”

Then everyone crowded around Steve and Steve signed the papers they gave him.

After he had signed everybody’s papers they gave him. Someone came running in and they ran up to Steve and said “Oh my gosh! I never expected to see you here again!” and laughed.

Steve said “Hello Ms Serteler”

Alex said “You went here?! I thought you dropped out!”

“I did for a year then I got back in”

The one who ran in said “You were always my favorite. You were a very promising young legend when I had you”

“Yeah. I  remember I was more into PvP then than now”

“You knew that you were my favorite student right?”

“Yeah. You were extremely hard on me but that helped me become the mighty person I am today.”

Someone that heard Steve say that said “Yeah mighty. Mighty lame!”

Steve said “You know who I am?”

“Yeah. I just don’t care about PvP” and continued walking by.

The teacher said “I’m sorry I never got you your final back.Here you go”  and handed him his final he did for her class.

Steve saw he did great on it. Steve said “Yus!”

Zuri said “May I see mine?”

The teacher said “Not graded yet”

Steve said “Remember the joke?”


Steve said “Ribbit!”

Him and the teacher laughed.

Alex and Zuri looked at each other confused and said “What?!”

The teacher said “He used to randomly say ribbit to people. By the way, please sign my yearbook” and pulled out a yearbook.

“Sure” and signed the yearbook

The teacher then said “Remember how you acted that one day in my class on your birthday?”

“Yeah. I was a disgrace on that day.” and warmly laughed “Remember the day I forgot to bring in my homework? For some reason we were building rabbit hutches that day in one of my classes. How’s your old cat Milkshake?”

“She’s long gone. How’s your cat?”

“Long gone”

The teacher then said “Steve, I can take the rest of the day off today. And I will. I’ll take you and your entire family out to lunch.”

Steve laughed really warmly and said “Sure!”

Alex said “We’re perfectly happy just spending a day as family”

Zuri said “Steve, what did she even teach? When you were here”

“Oh, AP advanced P:vP. Boy was that class enjoyable”

Ms. Serteler said “Yeah. Remember how much you enjoyed the projects I did?”

Steve said “”Yeah”

Zuri then said “Alex, can we go yet”

Alex groaned exasperatedly and said “Fine! She may take us out to lunch”

When they arrived at the restaurant, everyone saw him and ran up to him and kept taking pictures.

The hostess then said “Sorry there’s simply no room yet. There were three groups of ten before you.”

Steve said “Wait for it”

He waited and a few minutes later Alex said “Whatever you expected to happen didn’t happen or it won’t happen.”

Then someone switched with the hostess and said “Steven Stonecutter?! Even though you’re now not as adored by everyone, Your family will be the next group of ten”

Five minutes later a group of four walked in.

A kid that looked to be about 3 walked by and said “Mom! Steve… over there. I like him. Get him here.”

The mother came up to Steve and said “Excuse me great sir, but,would you mind signing a paper or giving one of my kids a custom sword or something?”

Steve said “I’ll do you one better instead of a thing your kid will eventually lose, I’ll let you have lunch with my group.”

The kid said “Mommy can we?”

The mother looked at the husband and the husband said “Sure, I’ve really loved watching Zuri’s battles.”

The mother looked at the other kid and said “Can we please?”

The kid said “Yeah. I really want to talk to Alex about being a pro elytraist”

Steve looked at Alex and said “Alex, is there something you don’t want me to know about you? It’s okay I won’t judge”

Alex covered her eyes and said “If it’s okay with you, I’d rather talk about that alone in our bedroom Steve.”

The host said “Guys, this way.”

Steve followed at the back of the group with Alex.

Alex said “Steve, I just don’t want to talk about my past, especially my past with elytras.”

The kid said “Oh come on Alex!”

Steve said “She said no!”

The kid then kicked Steve's thigh and Steve leaned on Alex to help him get to the table.

The mother said “So, Alex, how did you and Steve meet?”

Steve said “Wait? Aren’t you my friend’s kid”

“Yeah. I even listened to my mother Carol! She was so mean and nasty to everyone she was close with.”

Steve said “Me and her were boyfriend/girlfriend a while back. I still kind of love her. I chose Alex because she seemed to be a little sharper of a sword”

The mother said “I’m so sorry.”

The older kid said “Steve, would you mind taking a photo with me because none of my friends will believe me when I say I met you”

Steve said “Maybe after lunch. So, Ms. Serteler, why are you still working?”

Ms. Serteler said “Same reason you haven’t”

Steve said “What are you talking about?!”

“Don’t you remember anything from my class?! As long as you’re winning awards, you are still working.”

Steve said “Oh, so you won’t believe it but the council temporarily removed my legacy for the incident of the PvP award show of the millennium.”

“Yeah! I saw. What’s worse is they made your last words be something you don’t really believe!”

“So unfair right?”

“Exactly! Especially for something like yelling out an error on their part

Then the waiter said “Excuse me, I’ve been waiting here for your food and drink orders for five minutes”

They all ordered and Zuri was like “Mother, Father, Can we please get an appetizer? Seeing as I graduated earlier today.”

Alex said “Sure. We’ll get the bread with seafood dip”

About 30 minutes later, the waiter came out and gave them their refreshments and appetiser.

Then someone who looked to be a little older than Steve, saw Steve and said “Hey look everyone it’s Steven Stonecutter.”

Alex said “Steve? You want your disguise?”

“Yes please.”

The mother said “See kids, they’re being polite and kind to each other. “

Alex handed Steve some dark sunglasses and a fake mustache.

Steve put them on and said “Thanks”

The father said “So Zuri, what started your journey to the top?”

“Steve started me in PvP. He made all of us take PvP classes until around 7th grade. I continued for my whole education to make him proud. And I’m planning on going to college and majoring in PvP”

Steve said “Aww honey those courses are extremely expensive. Granted not as expensive as redstone courses or the elytra courses. I’ll be extraordinarily proud of you if you successfully complete them”

An hour later, they all got their meals.

Thirty minutes later, they finished lunch.

Zuri said “Can I get dessert?”

Steve said “I didn't get anything when I graduated! Besides, we have to get home soon. I really want to know what Alex is trying to hide from me”

The teacher then paid and ten minutes later, Steve said “Hey younger kid, what’s your name?”


“Ant nicknames you like?”


Steve pulled out a picture of himself from the pocket and said signed the paper with a message that read; Buddy, keep up the good work. One day you will achieve great PvP accomplishments. -Steven Stonecutter. And handed over the signature.

Steve said “Buddy, tell nobody you got a custom signature from me. If you do, pretty soon the whole world will be angry. I never gave them a custom signature. Also, I’ll hold your hand when going out to the car”

Steve grabbed Billy’s hand and walked him out to the car with his family.

Billy said “Thank you for the wonderful time. Some day do you think you’d be able to teach me how to PvP”

Steve said “I’m afraid the days I can do that are long gone. Zuri can help you though”

Billy said “I’d like that”

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