+10 votes
in All Advisors by (330 points)
Hi, I’m Broken_glitch, a 13 girl with a divorced family. I often feel upset with my life and how both of my families treat me differently. My mother’s house feel like I’m sort of slave obeying all her orders and taking care of my siblings. She puts restrictions like screen time, constant stress, doing things she’s meant to be doing. I recently took a depression test saying how I have high distress and anxiety, that’s when I realized I was suicidal. It has taken a high toll on me when I deal with my school work, taking care of siblings and all that stuff. I hold in my tears and ending up crying sliently every night. I sound dramatic but it’s true. I get picked on at school as well sometimes. I just tried my hardest to her expectations but I always fail. My older brother has his freedom of playing games in his room and doing whatever he wants when I’m simply choking sliently in my pained mindset. My dad’s house I have the best comfort and health and I get to do whatever I want. My mum always mentions on how bad it is there when it really isn’t. I’m starting to think more worse thoughts and I keep my self away from sharp objects: knives,scissors e.g. I’m scared really.. I’m afraid what she will think if I went clean on what I want. She always wants me to be successful not realizing how bad my mental state is.She wants me to be a doctor when I want to be a cosplayer. I can’t run away so I needed help not from my families but here. I came here when I was 8 (known as Musicmeowcutie(I don’t care if you don’t believe me).. and I got help but I need it again. Please I’m begging you too help me..

If wanna know anything else about this in more detail I’m happy to answer.


10 Answers

0 votes
ok make your mom aware remember no blame no shame!call suicidal hotline tell a safe guardian or friend etc etc
0 votes
by (1.6k points)
Seriously, you are awesome, without a doubt. You have all of us here, you can do this. I know that some parents are annoying (believe me, I know). I would suggest telling someone about this, they can help. The Suicide helpline is 988 if you need help.
0 votes
by (950k points)
So you’re Musicmeowcutie? I remember you. Anyways, welcome back.

I can’t really relate so I can’t help much but don’t listen to your mom. (She wants you to be a doctor when you want to be a cosplayer? Be a cosplayer!)

Also, you have us.
by (330 points)
Hey, its nice to see you again.

Yeah its me, but its been 3 years and I forgot my password..

Thanks for advice apperciate it.
by (950k points)
No problem.
+1 vote
by (330 points)
Thank you for every one who reached out with advice.

I'II probably write another post too regarding more detail.

Love you all.
+1 vote
by (297k points)

thats awful :(

i can relate in some ways.

my parents are divorced. they live in completely different states, and i get treated differently at each. you need to tell someone abt ur mental health, tho.

do you have any aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends parents you can talk to?!?

i am here if you need me. heart

by (330 points)
I do have a good bunch of friends.

Thanks I apperciate it.
+1 vote
hi love, im a lot older than you but I understand a lot of what you're going thru. I think a lot of it is realizing that you have to do what's best for you, you weren't born to be your "moms slave". I'm not sure how open your family is but I would bring up family therapy and or individual therapy. I think you're also at a pretty rough age and a lot of things are gonna change and you're gonna experience a whole new side of life pretty soon. I know it's a cliche but you're growing up and that comes with a lot more awareness over things that you didn't necessarily have before. you'll be able to move out in 5 years and it sounds like a long time but it'll fly by, try to just keep that as a motivator to keep going. I hope everything goes your way and I hope you end up being okay
0 votes
by (154k points)

Hey, you need to tell your dad about this. You need to tell someone. Keeping this stuff hushed is going to end up hurting you worse. I’m so sorry for whats happening to you right now, it isn’t okay at all. 

I’m starting to think more worse thoughts and I keep my self away from sharp objects: knives, scissors, e.g. 

You need to say something about this, okay? I’m glad you aren’t actually doing anything and avoiding that, it’s a really good thing.  You have to tell someone though. There are lifelines too, where you can text strangers about it if that would help. 

Please remember you are doing your best right now and the situation you’re in isn’t your fault, okay?

If you need any other help I’m here. 

by (330 points)
Okay thanks.
+1 vote
by (514k points)

Ouch that it hard.

My dad died when I was eight and my mom left last night.

I live with my aunt rn.

But I sort of get what ur going through. If u ever need anything ask heart

0 votes
by (155k points)
I can relate (kind of) my parents are together, but my dad.... Well he isn't always the kind of father he should be. I won't go into detail, but I promise its never physical.

I'm really sorry about your mom, I wish I could help but honestly, were kind going through the same thing. Praying for you.
0 votes
by (541k points)
Tell your mom how u feel I guess. I can't relate to the having divorced parents part. Ask your mom (or dad if you don't want your mom to know) to take you to therapy. Also DO NOT HOLD BACK YOUR TEARS


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