+6 votes
in Clickbait Club by (775k points)


here's my secret

My school is the best school ever

Im lying

it's terrible. I can't believe people can survive at my school

the fact that im going to high school in 2025 scares me.

anyways who, I am going to have a chill day, I am gonna have breakfast at Ihop, do some shopping and like at around 4pm we have to go to my aunts house because we're having an open house

oh yeah

the only good thing about my aunt's house now is that they have a hammock. It's really fun to use

list of good things about my aunt's house

  1. hammock
  2. nothing

6 Answers

+2 votes
by (297k points)
Best answer

ShE AcTuAlLy hAs a nIce sChOoOl?!?!?!!?!


but, if i were at your school, we'd be BESTIES.

have fun on your hammock!! :D
by (775k points)
My school is actually a nightmare

Y'know the Vandalism I dealt with? Well it didnt get solved

Also, they give kids AUA Violations on littearly the least inappropiate sites

Thank God I never got an AUA
by (297k points)

oh man,

that sucks.

welp, if i ever got o wherever you are, imma find your school and post a COMPLAINT THAT MA NORDIC BESTIE IS SUFFERING--
by (951k points)
What’s an AUA violation?
by (775k points)
by (775k points)
An AUA Violation is when you do something innapropiate on a school computer and can lead to out of school suspension

A lot of kids get AUAs for Stupid reasons. Once I almost got an AUA for googling "Why did Swedes Emigrate to America"
by (951k points)
by (775k points)
by (951k points)
There’s inappropriate stuff in Sweden, apparently.
by (775k points)
+1 vote
by (117k points)
Praying for you
by (775k points)
+1 vote
by (951k points)
My aunt’s house also has a hammock, and when I go over there, I read in that hammock for hours. (Well she has 2 houses, I go to the more remote one and I’m not allowed to have any tech except for my phone only for communicating)
+1 vote
by (212k points)
I know that Nordic stuff is coolio unlike your schoolio
by (775k points)

Fax disappointed

+2 votes
by (775k points)
+2 votes
by (515k points)

CARLYYYYYY OML YOU HAVE A HAMMOCK at your aunts house omgggggggggggggggg!

:D........heheehehehehhwhwwhwhwhw--lets just give a short story on why I don't have a hammock. policeAre involved. That is all.

But you are lucky you get to go to ihop my aunt does not let memeat there and I can't eat there anywayyy duhh!

Im going to Starbucks! :}

Have funnnn!

And oml highschool?? Omggggg

P.S. Ur school does not sound fun. But if I was at your school, I would 100% be your friend.:D


by (775k points)
In Venezuela, when I was 5 I had a horrendous injury on a hammock
by (515k points)
by (775k points)


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