+6 votes
in Other by
hey there fellow ladies! I saw a previous sisterhood post and I wanted to give you guys some advice, a lot of yall are entering puberty and it's important to know that it's normal! you're growing up, your body is changing, and along with that you're changing mentally too. not everybody has somebody to talk to or tell them this stuff so I hope some of you guys find this helpful!

periods - I started mine at about 9 and it was terrifying. most girls start theirs about 8-11 and I know it's scary but it's normal! your body is just ready to start making babies, but that does not mean you should yet you younger ones please wait until you're ready to become active ?. pads are gonna be the easiest and most comfortable option for the first few years, always get pads with the wings too because they stick better, and avoid getting scented pads because theyre not good for your down there. you might lightly bleed a day or two after ending your period, and that's when panty liners come in, they're not as bulky and big as a pad but they'll absorb the light bleeding. once you're older and more comfortable and aware with your body that's when tampons come in, you insert them inside and it sounds scary but theyre less messy than pads and if you use them right, way more comfortable, you won't even feel it. and chocolate is one of the best things to have on standby when you're on your period.

body hair - body hair is a normal thing too! don't feel pressured to shave your legs or your arms once you do start growing hair. now if you do it's always a safe investment to get 3 or 4 blade razors, they shave better and prevent razor bumps and irritation more. never shave dry! always use soap and water if you don't have shaving cream, and you wanna wash your razor in the water once you notice the hair building up so your razor doesn't get as rusty and it lasts you longer.

sweating - once you hit puberty you'll start sweating way more than before, and your armpits will be a lot more stinky when you sweat. it's a wise choice to shave your armpits once you start growing hair there because it won't trap as much of the odor. I always put deodorant on the night before too because it works better when I apply it in the morning the next day!

hair down there - eventually you'll start growing hair down there, and its different for everyone. if you decide you want to shave down there, always trim it first with scissors if it's long, then shave the direction your hair grows, never the opposite direction. make sure you always use soap and water when shaving and moisturizing afterwards is pretty important to prevent razor bumps, aloe vera or coconut oil is a good choice, you dont want to use anything thats scented. it might be itchy the first few days, deodorant down there will help!

bras and boobs - breasts!! some girls start growing breasts as early as 7 or 8, you'll start with training bras and sports bras. then slowly move up to padded bras and bras with wires the more your chest develops. it's important you get the right cup size and the right number, i would recommend getting sized so you can get bras that fit you best. everyone's bodies are different and its important to remember that! some girls are gonna have bigger boobs and some girls will have smaller ones, different sizes are normal and you shouldn't feel insecure no matter what size you have.

acne - skincare babes! it's so important to wash and moisturize your face every morning and every night. pimples are normal, breakouts are normal, some people will have dry skin and some people will have oily skin. don't pop your pimples! I know you want to but trust me all it's gonna do is spread the pimple deeper into your skin and leave scars. Walmart has some really good pimple patches and those are definitely worth it! try not to touch your face a lot and wash your pillow cases 2 or 3 times a month to prevent all the dirt and oils from your hands getting on your face.

there's so much more to puberty but these are most the basics. every body is different and everyone is gonna go thru puberty differently, its important to remember that. growing up can be scary but it's a good thing! I can answer any questions anyone has to help! girls support girls!

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (773k points)

Plz dont call me a lady skull

by (261k points)


by (773k points)
Srrsly I hate it
by (261k points)
Nah understandable though.
by (773k points)
sarcasm, I would never actually go up to a girl and call them a lady ??
by (773k points)
then dont summoun all the girls by saying ladies
by (154k points)
Carly it’s just a word, what did it do to you-
by (773k points)
by (523k points)
Carly, why do you spam upvote?
0 votes
by (202k points)
I got my period when I waz 11.
by (27.1k points)

me being 11 fear

by (202k points)
Oh no

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