+5 votes
in Debate by (108k points)

I have done two points contests so far. People seem to like them but I need to know if I should keep doing them. 

For KS: Are these challenges a form a vote abuse? Is it allowed for me to keep doing these challenges?

For THE PEOPLE: Do you guys think it is a good idea for me to keep doing these?

For myself: Even though it takes 1/2 hour to upvote all the posts for each user who participates, should I still do the challenge? Is it worth 1/9999999999999999999 of my time that I am spending?

Tell me what you think by pressing the vote button. If you think that I should keep going then hit that vote button. If we reach 10 votes then I will continue to do these challenges. 

Keep posting challenges the same amount (0 votes)
Keep posting challenges but only once a month (1 vote, 11%)
Keep posting challenges but more often!!! (0 votes)
Post so much ur head pops off! (1 vote, 11%)
Stop posting challenges. It isnt worth it (0 votes)
Do it only when you want to. (7 votes, 78%)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (202k points)
U probably wont make 50 votes but I think U should only do these when U want to
0 votes
by (68.7k points)
50 VOTES??? Thats a lot

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