+3 votes
in Health & Fitness by (71.3k points)
uh so

ive been getting a lot worse at spelling and even my friends have noticed this

idk why.

I'm still fine with reading and stuff but latly I've been depending on ottocorrect.

today it got a lot worse so ive been having to use less complecated words.

I've also been studdering a lot

is this just from stress or something??

7 Answers

+2 votes
by (299k points)
Best answer

oh no..

there is proof in this post, too

you said "ottocorrect." and it's "autocorrect." 

and " complecated" and it's actually "complicated" 


most likely stress, or something related to that.
i suggest telling someone, or looking it up.
by (71.3k points)
i told my dad and he said that he thought it was age regresion cuz he went thru the same thing and also I've been acting more childish
+1 vote
by (264k points)

Ironic giggle

+1 vote
by (957k points)
Turn off your autocorrect.

+1 vote
I am bad at spelling too, but I really bad at writing on paper,

It looks like a 5 year old tried to write a story
+1 vote
by (524k points)
Maybe maybe not.

I stutter sometimes.

But its not too bad.

Maybe try a spelling website idk sorry if this was super lame
+1 vote
by (203k points)
It could be
+1 vote
by (528k points)

I didn't see any errors in your spelling before this post...
ahh...shes lying just to get attention
by (528k points)

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