+3 votes
in Debate by

Some of you say the thing that dies is not alive yet, news flash the thing is a child. The child makes its own blood in the fifth week, it has brain waves in week 6, it starts responding to sound in week 27, in the state of Ohio you are considered dead if you have no brain waves, what are you if you do have brain waves, alive right. The child is considered alive in the sixed week. Study also show that if someone has an abortion then they will have a poor chance that there next child will be healthy, and that the mother is more likely to die of a abortion then of child birth. Just something that I thought you should know.

by (163k points)

8 Answers

0 votes
by (6.0k points)
I disagree, not because I like killing children, but because raising a child sounds like heck, and I'd rather be able to not have one (being aro/ace).
by (584k points)
Oh wow, I didn't know you were aroace!

JaidenAnimations is aroace too.


I dunno why you would need to know that, but I like watching her x3
Then don't have one in the first place, duh.
by (584k points)

And on Wednesdays, we wear pink.

0 votes
by (74.2k points)

I agree mostly

No, you shouldn't kill a baby without a reason,

however sometimes it's not their choice. Some are too young and were forced to *coughs* Do the nasty

Um have you ever considered that if it kills an adult then what do you think it will do to a child.
by (74.2k points)
0 votes
by (587k points)
Those points are all good. But sometimes the mom needs an abortion like if the baby would have health problems that could kill it young anyway or if the baby would be in immense pain.

Also, it's fine to not support abortion but not to not believe in it.  There is a HUGE difference between not supporting something and not believing in something.

So.... I strongly disagree with this post.
You should at least give the kid a chance, I mean it's not like it's the kids fault that it was born.
0 votes
by (165k points)

I 100% agree.

Unlike your previous arguments, this one has some pretty solid reinforcement.

Good job thumbs_up

Which previous argument?
by (165k points)
The ones where you didn’t use much support to back your argument
I don't do that much arguing.
0 votes
by (584k points)
I disagree.
0 votes
by (247k points)
I agree its bad to do abortion
0 votes
by (139k points)
I do believe and in abortion, and this is why.

if a baby is reported extremely sick and/or a baby is reported going to be in pain, many mothers chose abortion so that they won't have to put their child through that.

other teen mothers chose abortion because teen mothers have high risks of miscarriages or still births. sometimes, their parents force them to abort tho.
+1 vote
by (128k points)
What if a mother will die if she doesn’t abort her baby?

Have. You thought about that, huh?
Like I said there is a higher risk that she will die of abortion then of actually having the child.
by (165k points)
Good mothers are willing to die for their children.

Bad mothers would prefer their own lives.

Same with fathers too, im not gender biased.
by (128k points)

Ok I proably would die for my  BORN child

but my unborn child who I haven’t forged a connection with it, I would prioritize my own life

So I guess I’d be a horrid mother by your standards
by (163k points)
I agree with you GC.
What!!! how is it the child's fault that it was born and needs to die because of her mistake???
And really pizza have you ever held a baby, I would die for any kid relative or not.

 A child is the most inisent you can find in this world.
by (128k points)
@psycho. Yeah, agreed.

Also yes, I have held a baby, my little cousin. Also, why would I you die for a random baby? Like that makes zero sense, maybe I’m just a bad person but I’m not sacrificing myslef for a random baby I’ve never met
by (584k points)

And, by the way, did you read what Sloth said?

It isn't the child's mistake if it is AGAINST HER WILL.

Please read before you comment!
Sorry, yeah I guess but I still don't support it if they have no other reason then that they don't want it.

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