+4 votes
in Viking Diaries by (776k points)

jumps from da void

Hej Vikings

Song of the day (We love Ranarim) 

Yesterday, I went to my  aunts house to celebrate my cousin, Dana's 1st birthday.

Now, My family are huge party people. they love to have parties and stuff. 

Me personally, I hate parties because they're loud and because they are overstimulating (I have Autisim)

Well, Even thought I was locked in one of my aunts' room, I could still hear everything.

This was a party for a litteral 1 year old. and they were making it sound like a rock concert.

In case you're wondering, according to the Audiology acossiation,  The loudest volume that is appropiate for a toddler is 60 decibels. 60 decibels should sound like a normal conversation. 

and also, I was forced to be part of one of the party activities. I really hated it, I pretended I liked it but I hated it.

and don't get me even STARTED on the music. I had to listen to like super-loud Spanish music. as you guys know, at least 90% of my family (including myself) are Venezuelan. I think I have like 4 or 5 relatives who aren't of Hispanic ancestry (I have a cousin named Isabella who is one of my actually decent cousins, she is Mexican and Russian) and I appearently made one of my aunts mad.

She told me that I should like that music because it's part of my heritage. I don't like the music because of the lyrics. Spanish music is either offensive or lovey dovey. I just want to listen to my Swedish Folk Songs in peace.

in case you're wondering, Logan (The Swedish-American cousin) didn't come. Luckly, his mom and I scheduled a weekend in the summer where I could teach him about his Swedish heritage.

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (202k points)
Best answer

WHA!!! U should be able to like Swedish folk songs. Im only allowed to listen to christen music. HeHeHe I already broke that rule a million times

by (776k points)
The Christian music rule is extreme.

I am Christian, I personally don't listen to Christian music (Except Eva Weel Skram, But she's Norwegian so)

my aunts think by listening to some Swedish folk, My Venezuelan heritage will magically disappear
by (202k points)
Thats not true! And yes the christen music rule is very extreme
by (776k points)
by (544k points)
Carly I believe there are a few Spanish MC songs. I don't listen to them bc I don't understand Spanish but maybe you could try them.
by (776k points)
+1 vote
by (117k points)
Sending prayers to that 1 year old
by (776k points)
0 votes
by (544k points)
Carly's aunt that's the sillyest reason to get mad Carly. The reason you got mad is sort of like saying only people of Swedish heritage can play mc. Like BRUH. Maybe explain to her why you don't like the Spanish music? Like say something like "hey (her name) I don't like Spanish music because I don't like songs that are offensive or lovey dovey. (\why you don't like songs that are offensive or lovey dovey). I prefer Scandinavian folk music because (why you prefer Scandinavian folk music). "  What's in the parenthesis is replaced by what goes there. If you want me to explain more I can.
by (776k points)
0 votes
by (776k points)


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