+3 votes
in KS Tech Support by (107k points)

Hello KS! I wrote my suggestion on how KS could be improved. Because I struggle with comunication issues I ran my post thru ChatGPT so that you guys could understand it better. Here it is: 

Suggestion: Create a Gender-Specific Sub-Section

  1. Purpose: To enhance comfort and privacy for users.
  2. Implementation:
    • Sub-Section: Designate a separate area within KS.
    • Access: Only users who identify as female can access this sub-section.
    • Gender Selection: Consider adding a gender selection during registration.
  3. Benefits:
    • Privacy: Boys won’t inadvertently encounter content related to periods.
    • Supportive Space: Girls can share their concerns with other girls.
    • Avoiding Snooping: Prevent unwanted clicks on girls-only posts.

8 Answers

+1 vote
by (154k points)
Best answer
No, this will leave to unnecessary exclusion… the girls only posts wont end up girls only related, they’ll be “haha only girls can see my latest art” or something.

I don’t see why boys can’t see that stuff anyway.
+1 vote
by (297k points)

idk if i agree.

what if you dont have a gender? hm?

it's pretty sexist too..

boys can be helpful to girls and vise versa.

by (514k points)

Lonesome boys r helpful duh
by (159k points)
Wait wait wait

If you don’t have a gender, how can someone be sexist towards you

“Nobody is perfect… but my crush is perfect. My crush is nobody. nobody loves me. *LE GASP* MY CRUSH LOVES ME!”
0 votes
by (26.1k points)
0 votes
by (159k points)
I 75% disagree.

Also, if KS does do this, why JUST the girls?

Sexism towards men is still sexism

Sexism towards women is still sexism
by (514k points)
I don't really agree becuz boys can be really helpful to girls and so can girls to boys.

We r all human and need each other duh.
But if its created, boys need one too
by (202k points)
Yes boys should get one too
0 votes
by (949k points)
There’s already boy and girl advice columns, and plus, boys can help with girl advice, girls can help with boy advice, etc.

So I don’t agree.
0 votes
I like the idea but I will not block everyone and unregistered users so u should still use different usernames on it
0 votes
by (541k points)
Yes b but that wouldn't work bc some on here are trans, some are genderfluid and some use they/them pronouns. Also how would it work witj  the unregistered users?
0 votes
by (202k points)
I agree this is a good Idea. The boys looking at the post is one of the reason I don't post girly posts. But U R probably going to make the boys mad
by (107k points)
I am a boy (i guess i have to say i am a boy by birth and how i identify since this poor world has trouble telling the difference) but ok
by (202k points)
Where U born a boy? Or were U born a girl and now U R a boy
by (202k points)
Sorry Im slightly confused.
by (107k points)
I am a boy. I was born a boy. And I can never be a girl even if I wanted to even though I never would.
by (202k points)
Oh thanks

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