+2 votes
in Health & Fitness by

Okay, okay, I have seen a lot of “Girls Only!” posts lately, and there was an incident where a boy was asking for help a little bit ago. I really feel like these questions could be answered by one post. I’m going to try not to sugarcoat much, even though it is just as awkward for me as it is for you. Some of the information is the same for boys and girls!

I am also a girl, just so you know, but I am going to try and help both sides understand! 

Also, KS mods, if you think anything should be removed, please remove it. I would really like this post to be approved so people can at least be semi educated. None of this has intent purposes of being inappropriate, it is just supposed to be informative.


Puberty normally happens between ages 9-15. The average age it starts is about 11-12. During puberty you can expect the following to happen:

-You get something called discharge, and a period.

-Your breasts will begin growing in. 

-Mood swings.

-Hair will begin growing in different places of your body.

-Your skin and hair will get greasier (causing acne)

-You will start to stink. 

-You will have growth spurts (causing you to get taller)

-Curves begin happening

Most of these start happening before your period, and they are signs you will get your period!

”What should I do?” 

If you are getting discharge (white, gooey stuff in your undies), you are likely to get your period soon (within a few months to a few years, however). I recommend wearing a panty liner (pretty much a small thin pad) to not get your underwear dirty!


If your chest seems to be getting bigger, ask a trusted adult (such as your mom, aunt, etc) for a bra. 


You will get hair in your armpits, on your legs and arms, and down there. Some girls choose to shave it and some don’t, both are just fine! You can ask for a razor- I would get one with 3-4 blades, because that is less likely to cut you. When shaving make sure to use shaving cream or you can use conditioner. I would ask a trusted adult to help teach you first so you don’t hurt yourself!


When you get acne, wash your face with some sort of cleanser every morning and night. I also recommend getting acne patches to relief overnight acne! Try not to pop your pimples, as some people do get scarring from it. Also make sure to keep your hair clean! Your hair when greasy can clog up pores (specifically around your hairline), so keeping it clean will help your skin!!


Be sure to get deodorant! You don’t want to be that one stinky kid. Also, colognes, perfumes and Febreeze won’t help you much, so don’t use them as a replacement!! Put on deodorant every morning and night to keep you fresh. AND SHOWER! Please don’t forget to stay clean! Brush your teeth, wash yourself, etc! Hygiene is important.

“What does a period feel like, and what exactly is it? What should I expect?”

Periods are pretty much all shades of red. You really know if one started if it feels… warm in your underwear. It happens about once a month and on average it takes 2-5 days, but some take longer. Your first 2 years of a period though can be very irregular.


You have an organ in your body that causes your period! This organ has things called tissues inside, and your period is basically those tissues being flushed away. 


You may also get cramps from a period. Cramps can be put at ease with things like a heating pad. Not everyone gets them, however!

Be sure to wear a pad or tampon when you get your period. There are different types for different flows!


If you have any further questions ask down below and I can help you! 


Puberty normally happens between ages 10-16, and most boys don’t stop growing and stuff till they’re about 21. During this you can expect to have happen:

-Voice will deepen.

-Hair will begin growing in places (face, chest, armpits, arms, legs, down there)

-Hair and skin will get greasier.

-You will start to stink.

-You grow in certain places as well as just your body (growth spurts)

-You may notice something similar to discharge (which girls get) happening to you

“What should I do?”

You will get hair! Whether you decide to shave everywhere else too or not, you will probably need a razor to keep your upcoming beard in place. Be sure to get a razor and some shaving cream! Most likely, it will start out as a mustache, and then slowly form into an all out beard. Technically, you don’t have to shave it at all! But if you want a clean face, be sure to do this. I would ask a trusted adult (such as your dad) to help teach you how to shave so you don’t cut yourself.


When you get acne, wash your face with some sort of cleanser every morning and night. I also recommend getting acne patches to relief overnight acne! Try not to pop your pimples, as some people do get scarring from it. Also make sure to keep your hair clean! Your hair when greasy can clog up pores (specifically around your hairline), so keeping it clean will help your skin!!


Be sure to get deodorant! You don’t want to be that one stinky kid. Also, colognes, perfumes and Febreeze won’t help you much, so don’t use them as a replacement! Put on deodorant every morning and night to keep you fresh. AND SHOWER!! Brush your teeth and wash yourself daily!


If you happen to be getting some weird sticky stuff in your underwear, it is normal. Ask an adult for further info to help you figure it out! It is a way to say that you have pretty much “become a man.”


If you have any further questions, ask them down below!!

I hope you found this helpful! I will answer any questions you have. Thank you for your time, and have an amazing day! Remember: this is normal, and everyone else is going through it just like you!

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (159k points)
Also, quick thing about the “boy discharge” thing

Pretty sure it can be random (will not mention the other scenario in fear of it being censored), however, there is bad news.

Boys don’t really have products such as pads or tampons to stop up or at least scale down the severity of “discharge”.

Pretty much the best you can do is leak-proof underwear, brothas.

Sowwy charlie

Very true. I probably should have said that the “boy discharge” happens involuntarily…

And sadly theres no male products.

They should make some though.
there are male pads for bladder leaks those can help
+1 vote
by (523k points)
This is really great!

Hopefully this will put a stop to the "Girls Only" posts.
by (116k points)
What is wrong with them?

I don’t get it.
by (523k points)
It doesn't make sense to do them.
by (116k points)

I mean personally, I would never do one but I don’t see the problem with it
Thank you!

Also, PizzaLover, they do kind of get rude after a while, like, why can’t everyone help? It’s not that they are intentionally bad, they just get kind of annoying after a while because they are kind of uninclusive, and anyways, it is kind of pointless to make it girls only. I do get why they want privacy, but they’re putting stuff out on the internet and stuff, it’s pointless to try to make it private.
by (116k points)

that’s what nobi meant, I agree with you on that

I thought she meant you shouldn’t be posting. About puberty
by (523k points)
No, no, of course you should post about puberty if you have questions or want to help someone!

I would never disagree with that x3
+1 vote
by (949k points)
This is really helpful.

But why won’t KS let us talk about boy puberty when we can talk about girl puberty? It’s not very fair…
by (159k points)


I’m not really sure. Shall I try to better explain boy puberty, and see if it gets approved?
by (949k points)
0 votes
by (154k points)
This is really packed full of info, I’m sure others will use it. Thanks so much for making it.
I sure hope they will, ha!
+1 vote
by (202k points)
Thanks for writing this it will help a lot of people
No problem!

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