+1 vote
in Technology by
I'm 14, and my parents refuse to buy me a phone. I've talked to them about getting a phone quite a few times and I've even offered to pay for it fully but they still say no because they think phones are 'ruining children's minds', 'I will get distracted', etc. I'm currently a straight-A student, and I'm honestly an okay kid in my opinion. I've tried almost everything to convince my parents to get me a phone but they still say no and I'm out of ideas. I rarely hangout with friends because I don't have a phone and it's honestly really embarrassing to say, so I barely have a social life and I am sick of it. If anybody has any ideas on how to convince my parents to buy me a phone that would be great!!!(:

2 Answers

0 votes
by (546k points)
i didn't get one until 14/15


I got an idea. do research on the benefits of a phone but be sure to include the disadvantages.

Tell me how it goes. Remember cite your sources. Print it out.

Here's a wikihow article

0 votes
by (527k points)
It's funny to see people my age who want or have phones.

I don't actually want a phone, because I don't want to be one of the bratty teenagers who are always on their phone and not spending time with their family x3
by (298k points)
i really wanted a phone and i'm not a bratty teenager who dosent spend time with thier parents :(

jk, everyone is different :]
by (955k points)
I got my phone when I was 10 and I have never wanted one. But my parents say that I have to have one for “safety” and they get really mad when I don’t bring it to school. :(

(Also, the other reason is that I use my tablet way more so a phone is basically useless)
by (527k points)

No, no, I was just saying that I don't want to turn into one because that's usually what happens.

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