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Hey yall


1 Answer

+1 vote
by (203k points)
HEY R U new?
Yes I'm new!

Nice to meet you


Do you like tennis?

I'm practically an expert.

Call me crazy but, I'm homeschooled!

Weird I know!

I'm 9
by (203k points)
I dont think its weird IM HOMESCHOOLED TO!!!! U can call me Anna! I do soccer and I think IM a expert at it IM almost 13. I turn 13 in May

Omg I never met another homeschooler!

Omg cool

My mommys name is Anna but spelled like this ana

Yay can we be besties please
by (203k points)

YES!!! I would luv to be besties!! A girl on here named bracletgirl123 is homeschooled to. Shes 12. There are some homeschoolers on here. My actual name is Annabelle but I like to be called Anna. Do U have any pets I have two

Here they R

Yay! I've actually never really had a best friend before! I do acrobatics and gymnastics!

I'm 9 years old!

You might find this embarrassing but is braceletgirl your best friend in real life or on here?

I have five dogs and a horse named Charles.
by (203k points)
On here me and her private message each other all the time. My grandma has a horse called Charlie Brown! Whens your birthday mine is May 26 Im turning 13. I have no friends in real life. I only have friends on here. My grandparents R visiting today

I bet she is mean becuz she's mean right?? All my friends except you are mean! Do you like makeup I hate makeup and I hate cellphones.

I'm turning 10 on August 12th!

Wow my granny's bday is a day after youRs!

Can we chat all day??
by (203k points)
R U talking about bracletgirl123? No shes super nice shes my bestie. She makes everyone happy. She always cheers me up.  I WOULD LUV to chat all day. I don't like makeup that much  I don't own a cellphone my mom wont let me. Do U have siblings I have five siblings.
Oh good. A lot of girls bully me for being skinny and it makes me sad that they do that to me and it makes me very worried that im underweight.!.! Sorry if I was meanie about braceletgirl123 I thought she was rude but im sorry!

I have one sister named carly!

She's ish nice!

Yay let's chat!

I wont be on all the time I do horseback riding a few days a week!


by (203k points)
Lets chat on the HEY kelly post! Those girls R mean. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters Im the oldest! I want to chat on the other post because its easier to find

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