+5 votes
in Other by (57.0k points)

Ok. So. I am hosting a writing challenge. I want you to write me a short story FOR LITTLE KIDS. Edit: just no bad words (KS wouldn’t let them in anyway but u know…)No word maximum, just let me be able to read it in less than an hour, lol. The date for putting them in is March 21, and PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE GOING TO ENTER IN THE ANSWERS BELOW… just so i know who’s entering and to prepare for how many stories i will read :). So yeah! Have fun… and remember, MARCH 21! I will judge honestly, but please dont be sad if u dont win. I would feel so bad. But anywaysssss….. PUT YOUR WRITING SKILLS TO THE TEST TODAY! ENTER HORSE LOVERS WRITING CONTEST TODAY!

Thanks guys! Im out!


7 Answers

0 votes
by (953k points)
Spot The Dog Played Fetch. Spot The Dog Ate Food. We All Love Spot The Dog!

(This is my entry lol)
by (57.0k points)
0 votes
by (68.7k points)


  Trixie Daniels Rise Above

From the day little Trixie Daniels was born her parents knew there was something different about her. Like the time in preschool she burned her teachers eyebrows, because she got mad. Trixie was forced to homeschool, before 6th grade. Trixie understood her parents concerns. But that doesn’t mean she liked it. Trixie’s mother faced difficulties being a mother, teacher, a wife, and a nurse. Trixie and her mother, Ana rarely saw Trixies father, Andy due to the fact that he was always working as a car mechanic putting food on the table. The Daniels family had struggled money wise for as long as Trixie could remember. Now that you know all the background knowledge we can begin our story with Trixie laying in bed asleep. Usually every day her mother was awake with pancakes and sausage with a faint smell of coffee made before Trixie even woke up. But today when Trixie woke up all and the lights were off and she didn’t smell any food cooking. She rose from her bed and went to check the kitchen to be one hundred percent sure her mom didn’t make toast or something like that. And Trixie was right her mother was not in the kitchen. So Trixie went to check her mother’s room and her bed looked like yes, it was slept in and no, her mother was not there. The bed was not made so, Trixie knew her mother hadn’t got up and went to work. Even if there was an emergency at work a perfectionist such as her mom would find the time to have a clean and made bed. Trixie then heard their door open, “Ana, Trixie, I’m home.” Andy (Trixies father) announced. Trixie went to her father and gave him a hug. Andy was working day and night to make enough money for the needs of the family and had been gone for over five days! Andy was so exhausted he gave Trixie a hug and fell into a deep sleep. Trixie had a secret stash of junk food even though her mother disliked junk food. Trixie secretly loved junk food especially spicy foods. Trixie was still very concerned about her mom, but didn’t wake her father because she knew he was exhausted. But to keep her mind off of her mom Trixie watched tv and ate some spicy snacks. After eating an entire bag of Hot Cheetos, Trixie was swept into a food coma and fell asleep. “Shut up, Fay, you’ll wake the her.” Said a girl. “Belle, if she wants her mom back she’ll wake up soon.” Said a second girl in an aggravated tone. Trixie bolted up, and screamed. The two girls jumped one of them with blonde hair the other with the darkest of black. “I told you Fay!” said the one with blonde hair. “Where’s my mom?!” She demanded in a serious tone. “With Anthrax.” Said the one with the black hair. “Anthrax?” Trixie asked forgetting about how the girls broke into her house. “Anthrax, Dark goddess, The keeper of the key to Hell.” The black haired girl said with false emphasis. “What? Dark goddess? Keeper of the key to  Hell?” Trixie asked thinking this was a joke. “Trixie, your mom is safe. For now.” The blonde girl said encouragingly. “How do you know my name?” Trixie asked skeptically. “I’m sorry I’m Belle, she’s Fay. And we were sent to help you find your mom.” Said the blonde girl. “Who sent you?” Trixie asked hyperventilating. “Aesteria, Our headmistress. She sent us from our school. To help you.” Belle said. Fay checked her watch. “And we must be going if we’re going to make it before our bus leaves.” Belle sent Fay a quick side-eye. “OK, Trixie pack only what you need. And be quick with it London’s already five hours away-” Belle started,”London?!” Trixie emphasized. “London.” Fay said clearly annoyed.  “I can’t go to London! What about my dad? What if he wakes up and I’m not here?” Trixie asked with concern. “Let me just help you.” Fay said grabbing a tiny velvet red bag. “What’s that?” Trixie asked skeptically. “Sleepy time.” Fay said throwing a pinch of pink dust from the bag on Trixie. “Fay! We promised Aesteria we wouldn’t use that unless needed.” Belle screamed. “Wha-” Trixie asked passing out. Trixie woke up in a car. “Where are we?” Trixie asked looking around. “Halfway to London.” Fay said. “What happened?” Trixie demanded. “Fay used somnum potio.” Belle answered. “It’s sleep potion.” Fay said before Trixie could ask what that was. “Wow, you’re great at making people trust you.” Trixie said sarcastically to Fay. Fay rolled her eyes. “How much longer, Bickie?” Belle asked leaning up front.” ‘Bout 2 hours.” Answered a groggy and dry voice. “Who’s that?” Trixie asked. “Bickie, one of the trolls.” Belle whispered. “Of course it’s a troll.” Trixie said flatly. Suddenly they came to a sharp stop. “What’s wrong?” Belle asked Bickie. “Traffic.” Bickie’s groggy voice said. Trixie looked out the car window and saw lots and lots of cars. “There’s a ball tonight celebrating their new queen.” Bickie said longingly. “Well we should go.” Belle said smiling. “Why would we? We have a bus to make.” Fay reminded Belle. “We’ll be quick.” Belle pleaded. “Bickie can we take a detour to the ball?” Belle asked ignoring Fay’s side eye. “If we can make it in.” Bickie said doubtfully. “We will.” Belle said smiling and grabbing something from her black bag. “Lanuae!” Belle screamed waving a wand she pulled from the black bag. Trixie felt like she was being folded in half on a rollercoaster. Then in less than a millisecond Trixie was in a grand ballroom filled with people of all shapes and sizes in the charming dresses and suits. Trixie looked around, then noticed a woman with curly blonde hair in a black leather dress top with red and black tool as a huge puffy skirt. Her black dress was odd, but what caught Trixie’s attention was her bright red lipstick curved into a smile staring at her. “Wow.” Belle exclaimed looking around. “It’s ok. Fay said also looking astonished. Belle’s light blue eyes flickered with excitement. “Remember we have to be fast.” Fay said looking Belle dead in the eyes. “Yes mom.” Belle said rolling her eyes. “Now what about some outfits?” Belle asked Trixie smiling. “Rosea veste!” Belle said winking. A rosy pink dress with a huge skirt appeared on her. The bodice was the same pink with white flowers. “Wow!” Trixie said looking surprised. “What dress would you wear?” Belle asked Trixie. “A blue one?” Trixie asked imagining a beautiful dress. “Hyacintho habitu!” Belle said smiling. The dress was beautiful. The light blue color brought out her hazel eyes.



Trixie’s dress looked similar to this. “Belle, I-” Trixie started breath taken. “You're welcome.” Belle said. “Nigra veste.” Fay said rolling her eyes. Fay’s dress was similar to a funeral dress. Trixie looked around again looking for the woman, but didn’t see her anywhere. Something about her face was unsettling. “Trixie what’s wrong? Is it the dress?” Belle asked. “No, it’s,” Trixie hesitated then said “Nothing.” “I’m hungry.” Fay said looking around and spotting a food bar. “I’ll be back.” Fay said walking away. “Why are we going to London?” Trixie finally asked. “Aesteria.” Belle simply said. “What about her?” Trixie asked looking at Belle. “Aesteria told us about Antharax’s past in London and how she may have clues to where she is hidden there.” Belle said to Trixie. “Why would Antharax want my mom in the first place?” Trixie asked confused. Belle took a deep breath before saying “This isn’t the time.” She then looked away from Trixie and a flash of sadness surfaced then disappeared as Fay came back with her mouth stuffed. “Food is good!” Fay said swallowing her food. The three of them danced for a bit then Trixie looked at her watch and said they should go. Belle had them teleport back to the car Bickie was sitting in the car already. “Ready?” Bickie asked them. The girls nodded. The car began moving. Trixie looked out the window and saw the woman again. The woman was smiling at her again. “Belle, do you see her?” Trixie asked her pointing at the woman. “See who?” Belle asked looking out the window. Suddenly the woman disappeared. Trixie knew she had seen someone like the woman before. “Nevermind it was the light.” Trixie said with her most believable honest voice. Fay was already asleep. Belle yawned and fell eventually fell asleep. Trixie however couldn’t sleep even though she was very tired. Bickie was singing a spice girls song in the front. Everytime Trixie closed her eyes she saw the woman. Was she going insane? No. Trixie swore she saw the her. Trixie fell asleep soon. “I’ll tell you what I want what I really really want!” Bickie screamed with her scratchy off key singing voice. Trixie opened her eyes and saw London lighting up everything in it’s presence. “Are we here?” Trixie asked wiping drool from her chin. “Yep.” Bickie said turning down the radio. Trixie looked awestruck. Fay groaned and opened her eyes. “Fay, we’re here.” Trixie said Fay had the same expression as Trixie. “Wow.” Fay said softly. Fay started

waking up Belle. “Bickie, what time is it?” Belle asked. “10:30.” Bickie said taking a right. “We’ll make it.” Belle told Trixie and Fay. “The bus leaves at 11.” Belle told Bickie. “We’re 10 minutes away.” Bickie said to Belle. 


(It's not finished but thats all i'm entering.)
by (57.0k points)
Pretty good!
0 votes
by (544k points)
I want to enter. A story called Minecraft Steve (already on here it's in my mc stories club)
by (57.0k points)
0 votes
by (526k points)

I'll think about it.

I'm currently working on some story projects right now.
0 votes
by (776k points)

Now How do I explain Scandinavian history to a 5 year old skull

by (953k points)
One day, Scandinavia existed.

The end.
by (776k points)
Bro left out The Viking Age, Kalmar Union, Vasa Age, Liberty Age, Emigration Era and Modern Era
0 votes
by (202k points)
Ill enter.

But ill have to write a new story the one Im working on isn't really little kid frendly
0 votes
by (9.3k points)
Hi! So here's my story!

Little Mabel walked along the the road towards school. She was in a great hurry, because she was afraid she would be late for school. "Hey Mabel! Wait up!" Called a familiar voice. It was Mabel's  friend, Lucy. "I thought that you would already be at school," said Mabel. "No, I had to go back because I forgot my lunch," she said. "Are you ready for today's reading?" "I sure hope so," replied Mabel. "I practiced all after dinner last night."

Mabel was a part of the play that their school was doing. Today, the teacher, Mrs. Plumber, had cancelled all classes for the students to practice their parts and to do a last dress rehearsal. "I keep getting that funny feeling that once I get on stage I'm going to forget all of my lines." "I'm sure that you'll do fine," Lucy said. "You're lucky. All I get to do is put the curtain up and down during the different scenes."

Well, they got to the school, and Mabel went in for practice. Time passed, and it was finally time for the play. Mabel peeked put of the curtain and saw almost all the town (because she lived in a small town, they could all fit in there.) All of the sudden, Mabel felt all jittery inside, and almost went and told Mrs. Plumber that she couldn't do it, but then it was time to start. Lucy pulled the curtain up, and there stood Mabel, shaking inside, but looking very confident. As she said he lines to the other players, she grew more and more confident on herself. After the play ended, Mabel's parents came up to her and told her that she did so wel, that they were going to take her out to eat for ice cream. "Wow! Thanks Mom and Dad!" said Mabel.

Ik, its not very good, but that's what I came up with. Hope u like it!
by (202k points)
THAT WAS GOOD!!! Im going to have a problem writing a story I normally add mature topics to my stories
by (9.3k points)
Oh, ok. I didn't rly know what I was going to do with this story lol. I just let it write itself, if u know what I mean.
by (57.0k points)
Great! Gamekid, I added an edit just now, so hopefully you’ll be able to put your story in. I’m sorry, i didnt realize that rule would be a challenge.
by (202k points)
What do U mean Horselover
by (57.0k points)
Like… it doesn’t have to be really little kid friendly. Just put the story in that u have been writing
by (202k points)
Oh okay good! Thanks!!
by (57.0k points)
Pretty good!

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