+1 vote
in How-To by
Hey bestiess! I am going to post some female topics down below and you guys can ask me any question you want about any of them! Or if you have different questions off of these topics.





Eating healthy:







Cute hairstyles to do:


Flirting tips:

How to start a conversation with your crush:

Over the fear of your crush:



Being bullied by others:


Nails, hair care etc:




Self essteem:

How you should act around your crush:


Facial wash:



And if you have any more things you need help with come and ask me! Don't hesitate besites!

4 Answers

0 votes
My friend cant wear crop tops bc her parents have strict rules so what kind of outfit could she wear to fit in and makeup that doesnt show or anything to make your face glow beside skincare
Maybe like foundation that blends in with her skin and maybe some lip gloss but thats all I can think of. She can just wear normal fits to because idk how old you are but she probrably has a lot of time to wear that stuff. If people don't think she fits in its okay bc thats here parents rules and she has her own unique style. Be sure to tell her that to make her feel better!
0 votes
by (70.4k points)
Watch a guy come on here and you have no control over it- :P
by (203k points)
U R a guy?
by (70.4k points)
Thank you for not taking this the wrong way. I Iiterally post sarcastic comments over everybodys posts and istg they take it too personal.
no im not a dude-
0 votes
by (524k points)

Are you new??


I don't have a chest yet.

Im 12.

When will I get it??

I'm so flat people make fun of me so bad
No im not new lol and yeah I'm 12 too I'm in 7th grade and Im real flat to but don't worry about it! Because boys and girls make fun of us girls now but the real thing is is when we get to high school the boys will be like "dang she looks good" and the girls will just be like "bro like is she trynna be cute or sum?" but most of them say that bc they want to look like us and the guys will just want us fr
by (524k points)
Omg Arianna you are so helpful girl thanks!! I never really thought abt it like that but when I said are you new I meant to say like have you ever been on this site before and if so when??thanks so much for the advice it really helps me but since I have to use crutches it makes me even more flat and sometimes the boys are like so rude I wanna die.

But thanks a lot.

Ur advice helped!!

U should be an advice giver!!

Thanks girly! And yes I have been on this site before. I just understand your issue because I'm flat to just the thing is boys don't say stuff to me cuz they know not to mess with me lol and my friends just do it when they are being funny! But of course you can come to me if you need any help! But before me defenitly go to your parents or a trusted adult.
by (524k points)

Ur cool
Thank you and ofc!
by (524k points)
Ur welcome!!
by (524k points)


+1 vote
by (203k points)
Whats the average breast size for a 12 almost 13 year old girl? Also how do U get less pimples.

Ive got more questions but those R all for now
ngl i dont rlly know what the average breast size is but I do know how to get ride of pimples! So they aren't gonna go away right away but the best thingy you can do right now is get on a schedule of washing your face every evening, day, or morning. I don't know if you want to know what I use but it definitely gets ride of most of my pimples. Also don't pick at them because it can leave scars and you can use a pimple patch!
by (203k points)

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