+4 votes
in Ask KidzSearch Staff by
I think there should be a representative for the accounted and non accounted. There would be separate elections for this. I would want to run btw. And with the big changes that may happen to Kidztalk the accounted and non-accounted representatives and all the moderaters would have a meeting about the big changes. :3 I am not sure if this is a good idea but it would be cool for the people who have accounts and the people who don't have accounts to have a representative.

4 Answers

0 votes
by (68.5k points)
STOPPPP. This is actually a rlly good idea queencat!! <3 (I meant the stop sarcastically and as a joke> dont take it seriously.)
0 votes
by (947k points)

Wait, you need an account to be KT president?

by (345k points)
An account is not required to run. However, you can't vote if unregistered.
by (947k points)


by (345k points)
You can't vote in the official polls, but you could still do a write-in as an answer or comment.
by (947k points)


0 votes
by (539k points)
I agree
+1 vote
by (260k points)

Representative for unregistered voters would still have to be registered though, probably.

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