+4 votes
in Other by (56.8k points)

I yawned and stretched before climbing out of bed. “Quinn,” a voice rang out.

“Coming mom,” I put on jeans and a T-shirt, then brushed my teeth hurriedly. “Come eat breakfast my girl,” my mom said. “Oh, good news. I got you into horse riding lessons at Heartsong.”

“Yes!” I cried. “Thank you!” Heartsong Equestrian center was a small riding school around 20 minutes from where we lived in Beaufort, South Carolina. I had gone there for horse camp when I was 7; around 4 ½ years ago. “When do I start?” I asked excitedly.

“This Saturday,” she replied with a smile. 

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I exclaimed, hugging her.

“You’re most welcome,” my mom said. “If you are done, breakfast, why don’t you get in the car? I’ll be right there.l

“Ok!” I ran to tell my dad goodbye and rushed out of the door. On the way to school, I was happy as could be. We picked up my friend Abby who lives a couple of blocks away for carpool and I was a complete chatterbox. “My mom got me into riding lessons! It’s at this place called Heartsong. I went there for camp a while ago and it’s amazing! It has tons of stalls and-” I babbled until Abby cut me off with a laugh. 

“Yeah, I was there, remember?” She grinned.

“Oh yeah!” I paused, just thinking about that moment. The good ol’ days. Before, well,  everything. The pandemic. COVID 19. 

“You guys probably could get out here, don’t you think?” My mom’s voice snapped me back to the present. Sure enough, the car line was almost at the end. “Sure, we replied.”

“Hope Owen and Jacquelyn feel better,” I said as I got out of the car. My siblings were at home with a fever. 

“They will, love you!” My mom called while I shut the door. I made the Spider-Man sign with my hand. For our family it meant I LOVE YOU. She smiled through the window. 

As I got my stuff out of locker 151, my stomach twinged just a little. But still, that was enough to trigger it. Panic coursed through my head and into my stomach. I ran to my homeroom class.

“Mrs. Ritchie?” I struggled to keep my voice calm.

“Good morning, I didn’t see you come in!” My teacher said.

“Hi, um, I’m having a bit of anxiety, could I go see Mrs. Williams?”

“Oh of course. I’ll let her know you are coming.”

“Thanks,” I walked out of the room slowly but as soon as I got out of the classroom I broke into a run. I ran out of the middle school building and into the elementary. As I got to the counselor's office, I peeked inside. Mrs. Williams was sitting at her desk.

(I have the rest of the story, but it’s not typed yet. It’s in a notebook at home and rn I’m at school…)

Good? Medium? Not good? Quinn is based on me. I have anxiety about getting sick and throwing up since COVID but yeah hope u liked it so farrrrr

4 Answers

0 votes
by (541k points)
0 votes
by (9.3k points)

What the heck?!?? How can u write like that?!?!? Its AMAZING!!!!

by (56.8k points)
Thank you!
0 votes
by (14.1k points)
OMD! This is amazing! You have a real talent for this!
by (56.8k points)
by (14.1k points)
No worries :]
0 votes
by (514k points)


This story is so so good!! It is like all of those books I read at night where they have anxiety and they are about covid and friends and fevers and awesome stuff!! I am literally crazy impressed with your book so far. Can you please post more?? I know you said that the rest of your book pages are in your notebook at your house but when you get a chance please post more of the story it is insanely good. I don't say this alot but I'm sad that that there is only a little bit.

But I guess it is like a sneak peak of your book. This is soooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooo good. Awesome story!! I always love it whenever people post their storys that they are writing on kt. It always makes me so happy that there are so many people out there with so much potential to become authors or even just write their own books and I always love reading them all and I don't usually answer on a lot of these book posts but this is just such a good start to a beautiful awesome book and I can't get over it.

Everybody on kidzrlak is so talented. And everybody on kidztalk has something special that they do and it makes me so happy!! My favorite part of your story so far is the part where her mom says I got you a lesson at the horse place!! Sorry if I described what the mom said wrong but I have to leave now but this is a great book!!

I have to go and do schoolwork now because thats my life.

by (56.8k points)
O MY GOSH thank you so much! I never thought it was that good! Thank you so much for taking the time to read it and write all that! I really appreciate it. You made my day. I need to post pt 2, I’ll do it tomorrow or later today… it depends on my after school activities. And that part about getting into heartsong, heart song isn’t the name of the place i go horse riding, but the reaction was the same. Basically, most everything that happens in the  first part of the story is real, just not the names. Thanks again!

by (514k points)
Your welcome!!

I think it is so awesome that you are so talented and I don't know if you saw the other answers yet but everyone says that this is an amazing story and they are right because it really really is!! I'm so happy you are doing a part two!! I literally love this story the girl sort of reminds me if me because I used to have a little anxiety but now im better mostly!!

I'm so glad I made your day!!

by (56.8k points)

Thanks! Pt 2 will come soon! I’m glad ur doing better. I just posted chapters of a story I write A LONG TIME AGO. LIKE… 6 MONTHS. It’s short, but hopefully u will like it. 


by (514k points)

I like the parts where she texts James and her friend the most!!

Ik I said this before but ur super talented friend.
by (56.8k points)

Thanks! Ik I said that 10,000000 times

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