+2 votes
in Holidays and Events by (524k points)

Today is International Women's Day :D

That goes hand in hand with it being Women's History Month x3

I just wanted to say happy International Women's Day, and I hope you have a great one :]

Also, girl power :D

Love y'all,

nobodyimportant out—

3 Answers

0 votes
by (212k points)
by (524k points)
0 votes
by (951k points)

Thanks a lot. One person in my class (well two) does theatre and he said that he would be on the poster more than the other theatre person because he’s a boy. He was joking, but WOW it triggered everyone.

And I was playing four square and some people were excluding me on purpose. They decided that the maximum amount of people was five people and there was six people so I had to supposedly leave. Of course, I didn’t leave, because the person who made that rule is a ******** and should be ******.

Well, then those same people decided to divide the people playing four square into two categories, the OGs and the autistics. I’ve been playing four square for over a year, so I should get placed into the OGs, right?


They decided to put me into the autistics and they were targeting me because I wasn’t an OG to them when I’ve been playing four square for longer than them. **** ***, you *************.

And they were also cutting me on purpose in the line.

All because I’m a girl. (Assuming that)

Luckily, this wasn’t everyone, it was only 3 people out of the 7 total people. (We have a referee too)

But if this happens again, I’m getting them busted. Big time.

by (524k points)

I've never seen you (or in this case, read you x3) so angry before...

I'm glad I could help and let you vent, though!
by (33.6k points)
That rule is so stupid...
by (951k points)

@Nobi I’m rereading this and yeah, I do sound angry.

@Athena_Kid I know. The person who made that rule makes other stupid rules. One time, he made up a rule where we could only hit the ball underhand.

Dude, you can’t play four square without overhand moves. (Well actually when four square got revived at my school in October 2022, at first we made overhand rules illegal)

0 votes
by (515k points)

Girl power.

flex-biceps us girls are stronger together!!

by (524k points)
Exactly! :D

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