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in Other by (27.3k points)
Okay so we did and escape room and well there were handcuffs involved so now my wrists hurt. I met some other people they were really nice and sweet unlike we'll call her Annoying. So me and my other friend we'll call her raccoon were just drinking water and root beer the whole time while others were arguing and trying to escape lol. When we did we had pizza and I decided to do the sprite challenge and had to chug sprite... Well It's kinda hard to chug when people are going CHUG IT CHUG IT GUY'S IT'S NOT EASY. I litterally spit some on the floor so yeah but I didn't burp. Then my other friend told a story of the time I did a bad impression with an adult umm so we were at the pool and someone said you gt to keep ur hands on the wall and then some guy comes over and says OOOOH YOU JUST GOT YELLED AT.. and I go oh be quiet. ZAnd he goes are you gonna let her talk to me like that then I go yeah DUHHHH. Then he walks away and  I figure out that was her dad *Dies of laughter* He looked young for his age. anyways we then played hide and seek and parents came home so yeah

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