+3 votes
in Polls by (88.6k points)
So I wanted to create a height line up so..

How tall ru? (I'm 5'6" rn)

(Don't put in fake heights)

If you want to participate in the line up answer w/ ur height

(messed up the poll if you are over 5'6" just comment specify if you want to be in the line up)
5' & Under (2 votes, 18%)
5' - 5'1 (3 votes, 27%)
5'1"-5'2" (1 vote, 9%)
5'2"-5'3" (0 votes)
5'3"-5'4" (1 vote, 9%)
5'4"-5'5" (3 votes, 27%)
5'6" (1 vote, 9%)
by (24.0k points)
I'm 169cm can anybody convert this to ft. plz
by (88.6k points)
Your basically 5'5"

(I accidently wrote in inches before and It said you were 14 ft)
by (264k points)
by (88.6k points)
WAIT YOUR 14FT!!!!!!

10 Answers

+1 vote
by (528k points)
Best answer
I'm told I'm taller than average, but I haven't measured in a long time, so...


45 FOOT 13—
by (957k points)

I also get told that I’m really tall, but there’s a LOT of people in my school who are taller than me.

And plus, I was always one of the shorter people.

0 votes
by (33.6k points)

information unclear. I'm 94"8. You guys need to be more inclusive for the tall guys. We can't control our height. snooty (THIS IS A JOKE!!!)

by (88.6k points)

This is my fault I can't believe I didn't include tall people. I am so hightest.
by (33.6k points)

We need to stop heightism. TALL LIVES MATTER rock​​​​

by (88.6k points)
0 votes
by (13.6k points)
Im 4'4" and 9 years old
by (88.6k points)
by (13.6k points)
I'm a shortie :)
by (88.6k points)
I wouldn't say that short I'm 13 and I have a bestie that's 4'9" (She is the same age)
0 votes
by (56.8k points)
Waaaaaahhhhh I’m def the shortest ever, im literally almost 12 ( 4 DAYS PPL 4 DAYS) literally  4’4
by (88.6k points)
Umm girl.... I'm almost 13 and more than a foot taller....

Maybe ur just a late grower.
+1 vote
by (37.7k points)
Just barely shy of 5’2
by (88.6k points)
+1 vote
I am 11 and 5' and under, my mom and grandparents are short!
by (88.6k points)
It's okay
0 votes
by (154k points)
Im like a quarter of a centimeter from 5 feet last time I checked so I just say 5

I’m so short grrr
by (88.6k points)
Short Queen!
0 votes
by (299k points)
5'4!! :D
by (203k points)
by (88.6k points)
0 votes
by (957k points)

I’m 5’1”.

by (88.6k points)
0 votes
by (203k points)
5feet four inches
by (88.6k points)

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