+3 votes
in Neurodivergent Club by (775k points)
You do not need to change anything about yourself

Your neurodivergence/disability doesnt make you less than a person

You are cool, you should be proud of yourself.

Therr is no "normal" tutorial. You are normal.

I am struggling to be proud of being Autistic, so I need some advice

My dad thinks I have ADHD too so yeah-

Regardless if youre Autistic, ADHD, Dyslexic, Non-Verbal, OCD, Tics, or anything else you are beautiful

- Carly <3

8 Answers

0 votes
by (33.5k points)
Best answer
I'm not autistic, but this is some advice for many people, autistic and not. Very kool words my dude!
by (775k points)
0 votes
by (952k points)
Well, didn’t you just give yourself your own advice? Follow the advice YOU gave US.
by (775k points)
I cant
by (952k points)
Too bad, you’re still gonna follow your advice.
by (775k points)
0 votes
by (212k points)
I have tics. I also think I may have ADHD.
by (775k points)
You have Tics?
by (212k points)
Not cool to me.

I always blink very hard, I'm always rubbing my eyes, squeezing my toes, etc.
by (775k points)
well, you're special
by (212k points)
Awwww tysm :)
0 votes
As someone with autism and Adhd  I agree, but I hate when people call it a spark , like calling autism your special spark for example " well I like my autism, its my spark" like its a good thing i mean it isn't  bad well it is , but you get what I am saying,it might make you feel better, but autism isn't a spark its a mental disorder( I think) if you try to make yourself feel better it might make it worse

Also I wish I knew the perspective of a average person, so I know what its like to not be autistic for 1 day
by (525k points)
It isn't a disability! What are you talking about?
Well it usually is called one

Lemme fix that
by (525k points)
Autistic people are generally smarter than "normal" people (no one's normal so I don't even see the point in beating yourself up about this).
by (952k points)
And plus, there isn’t even a “smarter”. Everybody is equally smart, just in different ways.
by (775k points)

Well, Technically I am smart, but in stuff that I will need in at least 250 years
+1 vote
by (85.2k points)
AWWW thanks!

Girl that means the world to me.
by (775k points)
+1 vote
by (117k points)
Fun fact : Mystery meat has ADHD
by (775k points)
+1 vote
by (775k points)
+1 vote
by (525k points)
Aww, thanks :]



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