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in All Advisors by (2.8k points)

Lemme explain while typing thru tears.

It isn't a big issue but I go to talk to my best friend. I have an issue and tend to get worked up over small things. Then I go to her to calm things down. Except I guess this time it was too stupid cuz she sends " laughing-tearslaughing-tearslaughing-tears" and tells me i'm overreacting.

That hurts A LOT. So I be sarcastic in response saying how obvi I don't care. If I didn't I wouldn't come to her. Be then she continues to say it doesn't matter and she doesn't know why I am taking it so deep.

So now I'm crying over her. I never did to the situation, but she was supposed to be the literal only person that would at least try to make me feel better. When laughing is the first thing I see when I get the notification, it tears me apart. Sure I overreact, but I can't help it sometimes. Again, I thought she would understand since we have been best friends for years.

What should I do? She is now being sarcastic saying sorry and idk wut to do. I thought we were best friends...

Update: She said "I try so so so hard not to fight with u I hope u understand how hard u make that!" When I told her she hurt me.

3 Answers

0 votes
by (57.0k points)
Best answer


  alright, ill calm down. It’s just that i am ALWAYS crying over my friends and they dont care at all, so i ditched them. BECAUSE IT WASNT FAIR FOR ME TO BE TREATED LIKE THAT!  I also have close to the same thing as u. I’m SUPER defensive and i get mad real easy. But guess what? Ur friend will have to adapt to that if they wanna be ur friend ok? Ik u have been friends for years. Me and my old friends were friends with me right after i was born and in kindergarten (i have 2) and it hurt to ditch them. I’ll be completely honest. It hurt a LOT. But i was fed up with being treated wrong. KEEP GOING! UR AWESOME. DONT LET ANYBODY GET U DOWN!.


Ps I’m this was odd cuz u and i dont really know each other but i saw ur post and had to answer. Hope it helps.

by (2.8k points)
Ty ty ty!! This was so sweet of u! Also, could we be friends? I see ur name is HorseLover and I have ridden for years!
0 votes

Me and my Ex Best Friend Aren't friends anymore .  So I would do what feels right for you it's your choice if you want to be best friends with her or notconfused_smile . Take some time to think about What choice works best for you confused_smileconfused_smileomg_smilebig-eyes

0 votes
by (521k points)
Hi corn,

You probably don't really know me that well but I have been there. I guess since I don't really know how your friend treats you in general I can't say for sure but it sounds like she is bored of you talking about stuff like that to her. Not saying thats a bad thing!! Its totally normal to get worked up over little things. Thats how I used to be. But now I guess I'm mostly chill. Not the point. The point is: You should talk to you friend and show that to her and tell her that it hurt you and explain how that made you feel very upset. And if she is a REAL friend she will quickly apologize for sending you those rude emojis and you guys will move on about your day. But if she is a fake friend she will laugh it off. And say your over reacting again. So yeah. It could go either way my friend. Hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xoxo,

Thats my advice.


by (2.8k points)
Tysm for the advice! Ur prob right. I am tryna calm myself down with the little things but coming out of a minor depression, I'm trying not to go back in. Oh and when I told her that what she said hurt, she said that I make is so so so hard not to make her wanna fight me cuz I'm so annoying. Idk but tysm!!
by (521k points)
Awww I feel u!!

Message me whenever!!
by (2.8k points)
Tysm!! <3


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