+4 votes
in Random Posts by (775k points)

I noticed people are ignoring my posts (including a very serious post I made yesterday in which I got called a slur at school) so I'll try to post more chaotic posts since yeh

Hej Guys it’s Carly.

This is just a weird story that happened at school a few days ago cuz I can

Ok, it was the day after my birthday. It was a good day, other than the fact that my Nausea from a very horrible sensory overload on Monday was still happening and that I got a 70 on a Math test (I did better than a lot of kids tho) and it was Recess time.

I was with my friends as well as 2 other kids. Trisha (who used to be my friend in the 3rd Grade but reunited in middle school) and Mason. Both kids are not exactly my friends, but I do like hanging out with them.

Now, for my 14th Birthday I got a mini-doll of the American Girl Doll Kirsten Larson. The reason I got her is because she was a Swedish-American Immigrant in the 19th century, and as you guys know I am a HUGE Nordic history nerd (as well as a fellow Scandinavian Emigration Era kid). The doll looked like the original, and it came with a mini book that you could actually read)

I also got the first book of the series, which is pretty fun to read but also depressing (One of her friends die, and mind you the target audience were 8 Year old girls) 

In case you’re wondering why my flex on Kirsten has to do with this story, I’ll return.

So… We were at recess and I brought my Kirsten mini-doll and book to school. I showed it to my friends. Seby thought it was creepy, Jordan had beef with me because she’s Swedish (Jordan is a Dane)

and Then there was Trisha.

Trisha LOVED reading. So she snatched the book (The Mini one) and turned to the first page. I don’t want to spoil it, but in the first page it had a drawing of the Ship Kirsten went on (Because fellas, this is a Scandinavian-American Immigration Story.) 

She aggressively pointed at the mini-drawing and said. “Oh Look Columbus.” and then I died of absolute cringe. (I didn’t die.)

We all know Trisha isn’t a Nordic history kid unlike the rest of my friends. 

so I teamed up with mason and we chased Trisha (No harm done to her, she’s a good girl.) and then for some odd reason we started Swedish folk dancing because chasing Trisha isn’t good.

tHe EnD

4 Answers

0 votes
by (117k points)
Truly a goofy incident indeed
by (775k points)
0 votes
by (775k points)
0 votes
by (202k points)
I didnt see that
by (775k points)
It was a diferent post
0 votes
by (68.7k points)
I'm sorry but..

by (775k points)
Check "Hjelp?" Post
by (68.7k points)

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