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Help - me - answer - my- question -my- father - is - the - worst - he- tells - dad- jokes - all- the - time

13 Answers

0 votes

EGGhatching-chicken then


0 votes
by (56.8k points)
Actually, according to genisis, the chicken came first
0 votes
by (27.3k points)
chicken, if you mean chicken egg or chicken.
+1 vote
by (6.2k points)
T H E    . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .     C H I C K E N
0 votes
by (21.8k points)
+1 vote
by (527k points)
THE came first, because usually "the" comes first before either of the two.
+1 vote
by (154k points)
Egg, cause you know, even though chickens evolved they still used eggs for dinosaurs too-
You seriously beleive that. Nothing evolved. Period.
by (527k points)

Bro, go somewhere else with that. You don't know if that's a fact or not, so don't state it like it is.
REALLY prove it.
by (527k points)
School's there for that.

And there are occupations where you can study evolution, animals, the Earth and so on.

But I'm assuming that you wouldn't want to do that, and that's fine.
Not my school.
by (527k points)
Not surprising.
Well they don't teach lies.
by (527k points)
Unlike, ehem. And by the way school does not proof it they just repeat it.
by (527k points)
by (957k points)
@Ha What curriculums does your school use?
by (957k points)
The thing they use to teach you stuff. Like math curriculums, ELA curriculums, etc.

For example, if your math book says “Reveal Math”, you’re using the Reveal Math math curriculum.
Um I don't know I'd have to see.
+2 votes
by (160k points)
If we’re talking about which was born first, it’s the chicken.
0 votes
by (546k points)
0 votes
by (117k points)
It was the egg

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