+3 votes
in Lori’s Super Duper Awesome Blog! by (33.7k points)


I love ALL my friends, but everyone has flaws, and some of those flaws are pet peeves of mine. And again, I annoy my friends also, (I'm not flawless bae giggle). Also, these do not count for my friends on KT! My friends on KT are different than my IRL ones. So let's get the list started!

1: You're having a temper tantrum.

Now listen, I have my moments. I am a VERY competitive person. But if you say this to me while I am having a mental breakdown, on the verge of tears, or just not in the best state, I WILL snap at you. Like, honestly, don't say that to me.a-blank

2: Shut up (real name), no one cares.

Excuse me? I'm trying to get my point across and you decide to say that? Literally, what was the reason? Like honestly, if you say that, I'm going to look at you like you just threw a newborn baby out the window not gonna lie.

3: Okay, and what are you gonna do if I don't?

I hate this question. Like, if I want you to do something you NEED to do, just do it. No, I won't do anything, but if you want to get in trouble then like, you do you Ms. Ma'am.

That's all I can think of for now, but I might make a part two because there are a LOT of more things. And I don't even know why ngl.

But that's all for now guys. Toodles! ^u^

1 Answer

0 votes
by (1.9k points)
Best answer
BFFR! its so annoying


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