+1 vote
in Writing Contests by (130k points)

1. They have to be original.

2. They have to be at least 2 pages long.

3. They must be family friendly!

4. You have to have 4 characters.

5. Have fun!

The due date is April 9. Good luck!

4 Answers

0 votes
by (516k points)
Best answer
Im joining now!!



P.S. Luvvv ur new username sooo cuter
by (130k points)
0 votes
by (3.7k points)

once upon a time in a small village, there lived a family of four: Mom, Dad, Lilly, and Ben they were a close family who loved spending time together.

One sunny morning, Mom suggested they go on a picnic in a nearby meadow. The family agreed and quickly packed a basket full of sandwiches, fruits, and lemonade. They set off on there adventure walking hand in hand through the grassy fields.

as they reached the meadow. They laid a colorful blanket and sat down to enjoy there meal. The birds chirped happily, and the sun shined brightly overhead. It was a perfect day. Dad started telling funny stories and making everyone laugh while mom doled out the sandwiches and pored lemonade for everyone.

Suddenly, Lilly spotted a puppy running towards them. It was a small, fluffy ball of fur, withbig brown eyes. The family was delighted and welcomed the puppy into there picnic. They named the puppy Charlie, and he quickly became apart of their family.

After finishing there meal, they played games in the meadow. Running around, and laughing together. charlie followed them around, wagging his tail happily. As the sun began to set, they packed there things and started to head back home.

On the way back, they came across an old man sitting under a tree. He looked tired and hungry. Mom gave him some sanwiches and lemonade from there picnic basket, and the man thanked them profusely. He had told them he had been wandering for days and had lost his way.

The family decided to invite the old man to their home for dinner and a warm bed for the night. The man shared stories of his adventures, and they listened with rapt attention. As they bid his goodnight, the family felt grateful for the simple joys of togetherness and kindness.

From that day on, The family made it a tradition to go on picnics in the meadow and share their meal in those in need. They learned that the greatest joy in life comes with spending time with loved ones and helping others. And so, the family of four lived happily ever after creating beautiful memories together.

by (3.7k points)
this took me forever!
0 votes
by (68.7k points)

father went to say good night to his seven year old son, very well knowing that if he didn’t his son would have trouble sleeping. It was a nightly routine between them. He entered the dimly lit room where his son waited under his blanket. With the first glance the father could tell there was something unusual about his son tonight, but couldn’t put his finger on it. He looked the same but had a grin that drew from ear to ear.

“You okay, buddy?” the father asked.

The son nodded, still with the grin, before saying, “Daddy, check for monsters under my bed.”

The father chuckled a bit before getting on his knees to check only to satisfy his son.

There, under the bed, pale and afraid, was his son. His real son. He whispered, “Daddy, there someone on my bed”.
0 votes
by (21.8k points)
Okay IL make it as long as I can

There was a girl named Ineda dump she was super super super super tired one day "time to wake up" mom said. "noooooooo 5 more mins" ineda said. *Yawns* hi flying talking cat? WAIT A FLYING TALKING CAT! Chose be the owner of the world or yet 2 dollars. IL be owner!!!!! And the cat flew away. Wait I avec super powers to ineda said. Time.to wake up said mom. As she got to school the popular girl said hay ineda go to the toilet if you need to dump  ha ha ha. Ineda said okay sure bye. Chapter 2 coming soon
by (21.8k points)
Chapter 2 . then ineda said well I own the world today and everybody laughed to hard they farted. So the was like and I can fly and everybody went crazy the end

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