+3 votes
in Other by (30.2k points)

Ive been being bullied at my school for a while but today It got really bad.......

I don't take the bus I walk to my grandparents house since its not that far away from the school. Anyway while I was walking to school this boy who looks around 16 grabbed me by my backpack and pulled me to the ground. After doing this about 3 times he started swearing at me and shaking me.

He let me go and shouted some death threats in my face.

Then he left.................

Im scared what should I do

Please help me

KidzTalk please approve this but cross out the parts that are not okay for kids


8 Answers

0 votes
by (515k points)
Best answer
Report that kid to the police.

Get him busted. My friend who was a boy got a death threat from a bully at school saying he was going to come around with his gang and you know what him. Luckily that kid was smart and told his parents who called the police and the police had a big talk with the parents after and that kid got kicked out of school. The only reason the got him kicked out of school though was because they had proof that he gave him a death threat from the school camera in the hallway.

But man I'm sorry.

I know your scared. But you really really should tell and adult/legal guardian.

I really urge you to.

They wont believe me..........Im known as a liar at my school so unless I have evidence They wont believe me.
by (515k points)
I believe you.

Don't be scared. Its normal to be scared. Its natural. For humans it is I mean. But if the phone thing doesn't work, I have another idea for you. Tell a teacher to come outside and hide near by. Then have the teacher watch what the bully does and they can report it. The bully just said they will you know what if you tell the teacher because they want to scare you. Telling an adult is the best thing to do for your safety right now. Even if you are "known as the liar" that doesn't mean you shouldnt tell an adult.


by (56.8k points)
Bring a camera and film and show it to ur school
+1 vote
by (30.2k points)
Kidzsearch took out a part
0 votes
by (109k points)
He was probably just in a bad mood. If he does that again tell someone
Hes been doing that
by (109k points)
Tell someone and try to avoid him.
0 votes
by (154k points)
Thats terrifying

Tell a teacher and a friend. You’ll need backup and someone needs to know.

Maybe try and get someone to walk with you? Or take another route? Either way you gotta avoid this psychopath.

I hope this situation gets better. That dude needs to go get a life
I hope he stops too. My grandparents wont listen to me when I tell them I'm getting bullied

My friend lives on a different street than me and he wont help me because he's scared he will get hurt. I could take another route but Im scared he will get mad and hurt me worse than he already is
by (154k points)
It’s probably worth the risk. He wouldn’t be able to find you on another route, right??…

Or maybe come up for an excuse for a car ride home. That would work.
+1 vote
by (30.2k points)
Guys please answer I need your help
0 votes
by (21.8k points)
Bullying is not okay you should tell your parents
I dont have parents...I only have grandparents and I already tried they don't believe me
0 votes
by (21.8k points)
Uh tell your parent about this they can cover it out and help
I tried they dont believe me
by (21.8k points)
Next time when you see them coming record it and pretend you playing games on your phone then they will believe you if you have evidence
Wow.....Thats a good Idea!

Ill try that if he does it again
0 votes
by (28.2k points)

you have to tell an adult or even the police that’s bad

He told me that if I did that he would hurt me even more......

And my grandparents don't believe me
by (515k points)
Get proof.

I lost my parents too and I live with my aunt.

But you still need to tell a legal guardian.

Trust me.

Oh and definitely record that kid.

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