+3 votes
in Shower Thoughts by (773k points)

I spent past my bedtime (9:30 pm) thinking about Småland being behind everything

this is just a shower thought. 

Swedish-Americans are Americans of Swedish descent.

About a quarter of  Swedish-Americans have ancestry in Småland.

In the 19th century, Småland had the highest Emigration rate. 

⅓ of Swedes in the 19th century emigrated. ¼ are from Småland.

Småland is on the coast. 

They were on the sea, so they had to go on (very unsanitary) ships. Not only that but how else will you go? It's the 1800s.

IKEA is known for ready-to-build furniture. 

IKEA was founded in the 1940s in Smaåland

If IKEA was founded in the 19th century, you could just build your ship and just chill, and have more sanity. (Thanks Elo for observing this. I know your Norwegian-American dad hates Sweden)

IKEA has a children’s brand. This brand consists of Children’s furniture, toys, and art supplies.

A popular person in children’s literature is the author Astrid Lindgren.

Astrid Lindgren was known for her books.

There is a theme park dedicated to her books in Småland.

The theme park is near some chill countryside.

The Smålandic (?) countryside is known for red cottages.

author Vilhelm Moberg, known for his books on Swedish history and politics, lived in a cottage.

Vilhelm Moberg wrote a 4-part book series on Swedish Emigration.

In most American IKEAs, you can go to Småland, the children’s section.

On the top floor, you can find lamps.

Lamps are made out of glass.

Småland’s traditional craft is glass making.

Some major cities in Southern Sweden are Kalmar and Lund, Both of which are in or near Småland.

Småland is next to Skåne.

Skåne is in the south of Sweden.

Skåne is near Denmark.

Denmark shares a border with Germany, meaning that Denmark is in mainland Europe.

See what I did there?




We are all part of the Småland empire.

You are Småland

I'm not sleeping tonight

5 Answers

0 votes
by (33.3k points)
Best answer
why does that make sense?
by (773k points)
because Småland
0 votes
by (107k points)

(In a good way ofc)
0 votes
by (949k points)
(It’s actually my grandpa, not my dad, my dad was the one who told me that we have Swedish roots and that we have less Norwegian than my grandpa likes to think)
0 votes
by (773k points)
0 votes
by (116k points)
I am Småland
by (773k points)
the universe is småland

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