+2 votes
in Personal by (523k points)

I'm just feeling down abt everything.

And new stuff to report ig.

One of my sisters left a note on my door with a bunch of bad words and saying if I never yelled at my mom she wouldn't have left and died. And boy did that note sting real bad.

I think something is wrong with Abby. She has been having trouble breathing lately. Maybe she has asthma?? Idk but its stressing me out becuz I have to help her when she can't breathe right. Which is a lot these days.

Leo sent me a message this morning that still makes me shiver. I don't wanna talk abt it tho.

I almost fainted yesterday. Not from not eating. But from staying in my room all day crying and sleeping and I forgot to take my insulin. Luckily my oldest sisters boyfriend was nearby and he heard me fall onto the floor and was able to bring me my insulin. But it was scary. And it happens alot with me and it really sucks. Luckily his sister has diabetes so he knows what to do and stuff. I think he pushed to needle a little hard tho.

I'm depressed.

I think I'm having a hard time with stuff. Not stuff. But the thing that I try to post that doesn't get approved. I wish I could talk about it.

My mom's funeral was this morning and I want to cry so much and just cry onto someones shoulder. 

I was getting ready for the day and since it was warm out here and it hasn't been warm here in a while I had to dig in some boxes that I still hadn't unpacked because I only moved in with my aunt about three or four months ago. And I finally found my tank-top. (for girls this part is for girls I only felt comfortable wearing that tank top becuz I was wearing um a fake thing on my chest. Im that flat. Even nine year old Abby has sort of a chest barely. But I don't.  But that's not the point. The point is I was looking at old tshirts to wear and I found a note from my dad. I read it. And. Um. It was a note to a doctor that must've gotten swept into the bag. I don't think I'm ready to say what I discovered about him. The real reason he died. That note. I will never unsee it. Idk.

Im having trouble with other things.






by (16.6k points)
by (523k points)
Aww tux.

Thats my nickname.

My name is Chelsea.

So chels.

5 Answers

0 votes
by (38.0k points)
Best answer

I cant believe your sister would do that! You don't deserve that at all!!!!

As for the uhhh flat thing ig don't worry it will eventually grow! I mean who is looking at your chest anyway?? I mean ig You are but that's ok! Don't worry about it!

You can talk to me about anythinggggg!!!!!!!!!!I

Ahem. Um ya

I'm sorry that you are sad don't feel sad!

-ur online sister and bestie:)))

by (523k points)
Luv u bestie!!

I'm gonna message u later
by (38.0k points)
Ok sounds good:)
+1 vote
by (37.7k points)

It’s not your fault your mom died that was her own choice to leave your sister really shouldn’t be blaming you for it you don’t deserve the blame heart

by (523k points)
Thank you ik.

I tried talking her but she won't talk w me.
+1 vote
by (546k points)
Tell me everything when you feel ready.
by (523k points)
I messaged u all of it.
by (546k points)
Thank you. You can message me whenever you want.
by (523k points)
0 votes
by (523k points)
Boost becuz im sad.
0 votes
by (28.2k points)
Ok um


I yell at my parents to I just wanted you to know that so you don’t feel alone

Also that must have been so scary to almost pass out thank goodness your sisters boyfriend was around

And it’s ok to have a small chest

I know a girl who has a really small chat and she’s like 14

I’m here for you like always

-your bestie:blissy

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