0 votes
in Other by (120 points)
If you are a Therian this is your area! If you don't know what your theriotype is, just ask me for quizzes! I have quizzes for theriotypes! Say your theriotype in the poll below! (I tried to put as many as I can.)
Types of Feline, (Cats, Tigers, Cheetah) (0 votes)
Types of Dogs, (Wolfs) (0 votes)
Flying Animals, (Bird) (0 votes)
Amphibians, (Frog, Salamander) (0 votes)
Tree Animals, (Monkeys) (0 votes)
Attacking greats, (Bear) (0 votes)
Large Animals, (Giraffe, Elephant) (0 votes)
Omnivores, (Not listed above) (0 votes)
Herbivores, (Not listed above) (0 votes)
Omnivores, (Not listed above) (0 votes)
Reptilians, (Not listed above) (0 votes)
Vertabratans, (Not listed above (0 votes)
Tiny animals, (Ant, Spider) (0 votes)
I Don't Know (0 votes)
Other, (Comment Below) (0 votes)
hello I have taken quizzes before and most of them said I'm a canine therian but I want to be sure I also think I might be an otherkin I'm not sure can you help me also I really wanted to talk to other therian/otherkin/fictionkin etc :)

3 Answers

0 votes
My theriotype is a white cat with brown black and orange spots

-Rainbow kitty
0 votes
by (155k points)
I am not a therian but if I were an animal I’d probably be a sloth

That is a personal preference rather than an actual feeling though that I am one-
0 votes
by (115k points)
by (155k points)

Who flagged this

It’s honest and not rude T_T

by (529k points)
Yeah, humans are animals, too!
by (115k points)
Surely you don't think I flagged this. I didn't lol.
by (155k points)
No someone flagged your answer-
by (74.7k points)
Alpha this is…. This has me wheezing haha
by (89.8k points)
This is so true tho
by (115k points)
haha. Personally I don't believe in all the monkey gibberish that people are forced to learn at public schools but despite what others think I am still human :D
by (89.8k points)
Wdym you don't believe in evolution?
by (155k points)

Bro nobody learns about therians in school unless its because of another kid wondering


PsychoSloth's "nobody learns about therians in school unless another kid is one" is like 400% true lol laughing-tears

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