+1 vote
in Personal by (220 points)
Hi my name's Ava and Im 12 years old ok so my parents won't let me have a phone they say I'm too young and I wouldn't be able to handle it I said I could and I have been asking for ages offered to pay and everything but it's still a big fat no! I'm really annoyed because all my friends are always talking about their phones and Snapchat while I just stand their feeling stupid not knowing what to say!

Also I would love a phone because Its a great way to past time or If you needed to call your parents of something urgent or text your friends to come over whatever it is a phone can do a lot what do you think I should do pls help!?

7 Answers

0 votes
by (1.4k points)
Maybe you can get an iPad instead? Then if you show good reposibilty then it will help you boost your chances of a phone. Also you can get Snapchat on an ipad!
0 votes
I'm 16 and I don't have a phone!

You just have to be Mature to get a phone..
0 votes
by (37.7k points)
Maybe make a slideshow or presentation on all the reasons you might possibly need a phone or use it for because that might convince them to allow you to have one

And you could tell them that they could put some parental controls on it
0 votes
by (546k points)
Explain to them a lot of phones have parental control features (some of them are: time limits, automatic shutdown time (after a certain time and before another you can't use it), permission for any downloads/ in app purchases and blocking apps and websites) do some more research

If that doesn't work,  prove ur ready by doing more chores and caring more for the pets (if applicable)
0 votes
I get it Ava. I am almost 13 and I still don't have a phone. The other day I met this good looking guy that asked for my snap. Since I don't have a phone I couldn't give it to him, so yeah trust me I feel your pain but you just got to wait a little longer. You'll get a phone eventually but it will take time. Also remember not to beg. If you beg your parents there more likely to say no. If you just trust them they'll get you a phone when they think your ready so just be patient.

Hope this helps:)
0 votes
I agree with your parents. 12 is way to young to have a phone.
by (957k points)
Yeah, people should only get a phone if they’re over 999999999999999 years old.
by (114k points)
I got mine when I was 4. It was a Nokia with no internet.
by (957k points)
I mean, I technically got my first “phone” when I was around the same age. I was playing with one of my dad’s old iDevices (his old iPod Touch 2G, which I have now) and my dad said that I could have it.

Well, he never gave it to me until last year.
by (218k points)
I got mine at 7 or 8

I got it when Athena moved away so I could still call her :D
0 votes
Don’t worry I have a plan you could try. First make a slideshow on why you can have phone. On the slideshow talk about the benefits and that you’re a good kid. Second try to be really good to your parents like sweet talk them, do their chores, stuff like that. That’s really all I have for you. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
by (56.8k points)

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