+11 votes
in Other by (91.9k points)
Lets not get all about how we need flies and how we wouldn't be alive,but I HATE FLIES

14 Answers

+2 votes
by (155k points)
Yessssssssssssssssss exactly what I was gonna say.
+2 votes
by (98.6k points)
The bad side of the world.  Crimes,  wars, etc
+3 votes
by (165k points)
Easy. Discrimination. We are all human, no matter the race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender identity, and more.
+3 votes
Cusswords. If they were gone then I could watch almost anything on youtube!

(My mom says that if videos have bad words we can't watch them.)

EDIT: I came up with a better idea.  Fake religions. if not that, evil ones.
Oh honey. There are so many worse things on YouTube than cuss words. I cuss. My parents and family cuss. My friends irl cuss. I watch YouTube. Yes, there are cuss words, but you know what, you are going to hear them sometime, so why the *beep* would your mom care, she can't protect you from them forever. How old are you?
My mom does that to and I am 16
+3 votes
by (153k points)
Broken Friendships.

(and cherry tomatoes)
+14 votes
by (24.4k points)
+6 votes
by (110k points)
i wish the pain of childbirth didn't exist, and periods didn't exist because they are freaking stupid, let's be honest. dang it, eve. and also, bugs are next on my list because they are annoying.
by (350k points)
Sometimes, I wanna go back in time and shake Eve by the neck, screaming., "EVE! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE FLUFFING DONE?!"
by (4.8k points)
who is this "EVE" you speak of?
by (91.9k points)
Ya know,Adam and Eve.
by (4.8k points)
ooooh ok hey but you cant blame it all on her us as humans have done worse (Hitler........)
+5 votes
by (90.2k points)
Each and every one of us has to die, wether we accept it or not. Death is a punishment for our sins. If we did not sin, death would not exist.
by (4.8k points)
Lies, death means that you have lived your purpose!! Its called the circle of life!! Not a punishment lol. Death will always exist as long as we are mortal :) When we sin come karma which is punishment. Karma can come in many packages but rarely death depending on the person you are.
by (110k points)
karma isn't in death tho. it's in life. once we die, and hopefully we all go to heaven, death will no longer be a punishment; but a blessing.
by (4.8k points)
Hell isn't under the ground lol nor is heaven in the sky cus space is in the sky. We reincarnate (rebirth) to a new life  and in a time. I don't mean this as an argument just as facts :)  and I agree with you rae "death will no longer be a punishment; but a blessing." :)
+6 votes
by (350k points)
by (91.9k points)
by (24.4k points)
Hey, I love veggies and fruits
by (153k points)
Lol me. The only veggie I will eat is spinach, and carrots if it’s in soup. Also, I eat egg rolls with veggies, but come on, it’s an EGG ROLL for crying out loud.
+7 votes
by (185k points)
Bad words and bullies. I wouldn't say negativity in general because without negativity, how can there be good? Same thing vice versa. But I'm sure we can live without bad words and bullies, since they make us feel bad about ourselves, making us feel or do horrible things.
by (110k points)
true, but sometimes they can strengthen you and make you feel more confident and see the stupidity of their actions and mindset because by observing them they seem to ACTUALLY think they're getting to you. that's how i look at it because i'm just a carefree person. i don't care what people think about me. their words don't matter.
Bullies, definetly. But I do not agree on cursing. I cuss irl, but only around my friends that don't care and do too. It is just a way of expressing oneself for the most part, as long as it isn't aimed at people, like calling people swears.

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