+6 votes
in Other by (5.3k points)

Hi MHA fans, what do you think of a past OC I made? Is he too broken? IS he interesting enough? I used pixai.art to make image. Rate it on a scale of 1-10 if you want. Picture represents him after he let's go of his hatred, which is why he looks happy. I was inspired by Naruto and Broly in a way. Saburō Reiketsu is the newest member of Class 1-A of U.A. High who used to never talk to anyone ever since he first joined the school. He used to always be cold to people, and kept to himself. This happens because he was always ostracized from people as a child, and he still is. Because of the fact that he couldn't control his quirk, Rage, and hurt people accidentally, he was called a "freak" or a "monster." He once resented people for doing this and decide to become the best hero to show them wrong. Plus, he never knew his parents, or even if they're alive or dead. He had abandoned U.A., but after being brought back by Bakugo, Asui, Deku, Kirishima, and Shoto, he's learned to let go, and be kinder. His quirk, Rage let's him get stronger when feeling large amounts of anger or stress. He has the strength of a Nomu, and can get stronger when hit, but too many hits causes fatigue. The problem is that he could go berserk, but he's learning to control his emotions. His hero name is "Red Rage."

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (297k points)
Best answer


he's so interesting, and has an amazingly thought-out quirk.

i feel like with the name "Red Rage" he'll mixed up with Kirishima's "Red Riot"

is there a reason you chose the color red?
by (5.3k points)
Red can often be associated with anger, simple. Thank you. Also he has a Rageful form that gives him crimson hair(it would also get more wild and messy), crimson eyebrows, and crimson eyes with black pupils. He would also have a crimson aura, along with a taller height and body mass, his muscles would also get bigger(I was inspired by Broly on that part). Now after going to Endeavor's agency for a work study, he can now control his quirk. When using his Rageful form, he keeps his stature and height, but his hair, eyebrows, and eyes all remain crimson(his hair doesn't change to messy and wild). Endeavor also injected a substance into him allowing him for better control. Endeavor sees a lot of potential in him.

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