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in Other by (85.8k points)

Hey guys! So my school does wordmasters and we had an assignment to write a story using the wm words and bold them in the story, so me and my friends had an idea. We would take a pineapple and all write stories from the perspective of the pineapple, and then connect them all. I had the aBsOLuTe hOnOr of writing the story all the other stories would be stemming off of and connecting to! This is involving 6 people including me, and only two of us are on KT! (Me and @Mel_Twilight) When I post these please keep in mind I only wrote one stories and the rest are my friends!! Also, if you want to try writing one once you read mine which is the one they all connect to, just tell me your connection to Patricia The Pineapple (my character) and your name, and depending on how many people want to do it, I'll see how official I'll make it. Anyway enough blabblering! WiThOuT fUrThEr aDiEu, MY STORY!!

Patricia The Pineapple


In the small town of Pineview, nestled in the heart of the Pacific Northwest, everyone was thriving. They were one of the wealthiest villages in the southern continent, and they touted their success all over. They owed their success to a thriving patch of the rarest fruit in the world: pineapples. The taste of pineapple never cloyed to the townspeople. The patch produced many pineapples a day, and they could be sold for thousands of dollars each with extras for the villagers to eat, making them grow fat, lazy and underzealous and phlegmatic.

One day, a beautiful and dynamo pineapple named Patricia the Pineapple began to grow. She was not encumbered by being shy, and made many friends in the pineapple patch. Her best friend was Piney The Pineapple, who was the least phlegmatic pineapple in the whole patch and never demeaned Patricia The Pineapple. She was loving life! That is, until she witnessed Piney the Pineapple get ripped from his stem, get his skin torn off, and was sliced and diced into tiny pieces until he skewered and eaten by the fat villagers. She was forever traumatized, and her mental health was ravaged, causing her to toughen up and grow ugly and cynic until she was the size of a large dog and covered with lumps and odd angles. The residents of Pineview were too scared of it to remove it from the patch, or even go near the patch, so they didn’t have any pineapples anymore. Soon, they began to notice strange occurrences around the plant: fruits and vegetables would shrivel up and rot before the villagers' eyes. Pets would go missing, only to return with strange markings on their fur and a malevolent glow in their newly red eyes.

As the days passed, Patricia The Pineapple grew larger and more sinister, until she was the size of a house. Her sharp protrusions lengthened into razor-sharp spikes that were sharper than any sword in the village. The townspeople began to whisper legends among themselves that it was an evil pineapple sent from the depths of hell, one that was determined to take over their town and enslave its inhabitants so its friends and family would never be sliced up and eaten again.

One night, a group of stupid townsfolk decided to confront the pineapple with a remonstrance and an attack and put an end to its reign of terror because they missed the days when they could laze around all day, eating pineapples to their hearts' consent. They approached the plant, armed with pitchforks and torches, but as they drew near, the pineapple opened its huge, spiked mouth and ate the lowly, ignoble villagers with no qualms or compunctions about it. To Patricia The Pineapple, they were immaterial, and only good for getting vengeance and avenging Piney The Pineapple’s death. Soon the villagers realized the plant was not just a simple plant but a complex being with malevolent intentions. 

The townspeople were forced to band together and fight for their lives against the evil pineapple. They discovered that the plant had a weakness: it could only be harmed by using the very fruits and vegetables it had rotted. With this knowledge, they launched a counterattack, using the rotten, twisted produce to weaken the pineapple and banish it from their town.

The people of Pineview celebrated their victory, and scoffed as many pineapples as they wanted, growing just as fat as they were before. Little did they know, before she died, Patricia the Pineapple scattered her seeds all over the patch, and soon they would begin to grow…


1 Answer

0 votes
by (56.8k points)
I love it so much. It is so weird yet entertaining and I love the words. Its is AWESOMESAUCE!!!
by (85.8k points)
Lol thank you!!

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